Dik-Dik hunting

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67 охотничьих туров от 26 аутфиттеров начиная от$2,096

67 охот
$2,096 Минимальная цена
3 страны
7466mi До ближайшего тура

Where to hunt Dik-Dik

As is the case with the small antelopes there are numerous Dik-dik species, some of which are recognised by SCI and others by Rowland Ward only, even the experts cannot agree on some of the classifications. The following Dik-dik species may be hunted in: Ethiopia: Günthers Dik-dik, Cordeaux's Dik-dik, Harar Dik-dik, Salt's Dik-dik, Phillip's Dik-dik, Swayne's Dik-dik and Lawrence's Dik-dik. Uganda: Günthers Dik-dik Tanzania: Kirk’s Dik-dik Namibia: Damaraland Dik-dik.

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A species normally targeted by clients keen on collecting the small antelope during a dedicated hunt to shoot the smaller species or as a trophy of opportunity during your hunt. Typically these antelope are hunted during a 22-28 day dangerous game safari in Ethiopia with daily rates ranging from $1840-1995 and a trophy fee of approximately $340. In Tanzania, a Buffalo combo hunt daily rate will cost $2500 per day and $4600 per day if combined with other dangerous game. Trophy fees for a Kirk’s Dik-dik during this hunt would cost $500-1000.

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When to hunt Dik-Dik?

Currently BookYourHunt only has Dik-dik hunting offers available in Ethiopia and Tanzania. Although Ethiopia has no fixed hunting season the best time to hunt in the country is between October and June. In Uganda and Tanzania the hunting season runs from 1 July to 31 December. As these animals are normally hunted as a trophy of opportunity the best time to hunt them is when the grass is short during the dry season.


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Being a shy territorial animal, these animals feed on leaves from which they are able to extract enough moisture so are not a water dependent species so unlikely to be located near water. Like most species, they feed at dawn and dusk then rest up during the heat of the day. Although active at night and may wander out of their territories they return during the day where they scent mark their territories with strategically scattered dung middens. The best is to locate a territorial middens and walk and stalk through the area very carefully as once they take fright they disappear within their well-known territory.

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Why hunt Dik-Dik?

Dik-dik have a pointed snout, big eyes with a tuft of hair standing up on their forehead like many of the Duikers. They are part of the “Tiny Ten” group of animals also known as the Pygmy Antelope and may not the most fearsome but will really test a hunter’s patience, perseverance and hunting skills. However, once you have specifically hunted one or two of these tiny antelope by choice, you will be totally hooked and try to get the rest. They make wonderful full mounts and take up very little space in your trophy room.

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Дик Дик

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