Get the hunts YOU want with
smart subscriptions feature
smart subscriptions feature
Visit our main page and find Log in / Sign up links at the top-right corner.
Hover on your profile at the top-right corner and select 'Subscriptions' from the menu.
Each subscription is just a set of filters, like animal, destination, etc. If you are interested in a combo hunt just select the species you want to include in a combination and click the 'Combo hunt' box
For example, here is how you can create a subscription for Cancellation Elk hunts in the United States
And here is how you can create a subscription for Moose and Black Bear combo hunts in Canada
Below is the result after creating these 2 subscriptions
Our system will periodically check if there are new offers that match your subscriptions. If there are it will prepare an email with a list of offers specifically for you!
This is just one of the many services BookYourHunt has available to you and the best part? It is free!
I want to sign upHave a look at other features of the hunter's profile.