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Saddlebacked Impala is similar in colour to a normal Impala but has a very distinctive darker back. This breed of Impala is not recognised as a species or subspecies but is just a South African bred colour variant only available in South Africa.

Распределение цен

Saddlebacked Impala daily rate fees may be priced as low as $300 per day. Limited availability of this relatively new colour variant species means that trophy fee prices can on average range from $2200 - $6500. Some outfitters have the price fixed as high as $7000.

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When to hunt Saddleback Impala?

Hunting opportunities on game farms exist year-round. However, the best time to hunt any species of Impala is the rut, when males fight for dominance, and the biggest and oldest are easy to recognise. The rut takes place in May. The rest of the African winter, June to September, is also a good time for a plains game hunt.


Способы охоты Все способы охоты (5)

Saddlebacked Impala inhabit the shrub and savannah type habitat where a hunter and the PH can see far to spot the animals, and yet there’s enough cover to stalk them. Impalas can be active in either day and light but are most conspicuous in the morning and the evening. This behaviour makes Impala one of the best quarries for spot-and-stalk hunting. When alarmed, the herd of impalas forms a tight group, when it is easy to lose track of the trophy you’ve chosen and the bullet might easily pass through your target and hit another Impala that stands behind. It’s also not the best idea to shoot Impala on the run, as they can leap in zig-zag, effectively avoiding predators. Impala never ventures far from water sources and must have a drink regularly. This offers a bowhunter an opportunity to hunt this animal from a ground blind or tree stand positioned over a waterhole.

Why hunt Saddleback Impala?

Saddlebacked Impala, according to a recent survey, is one of the most interesting trophies for international hunters in South Africa. But, finding a really impressive Saddlebacked Impala trophy to hunt is a great challenge due to their limited numbers and availability. Impala is a graceful, beautiful creature, especially a big, mature buck with his long, lyre-shaped horns. These horns grow all over the creature’s lifetime and make a spectacular trophy.

African Plains Game  Safari on 2x1

African Plains Game Safari on 2x1

9.9 7 отзывов
Лимпопо, Южно-Африканская Республика
Черноспинная импала, Павиан, Черная импала, Спрингбок чёрный, Гну белохвостый...
Длительность тура: 5 - 21 дней
Season: 1 февр. 2025 - 20 дек. 2025
Цена от
за 5 дней, 1 охотник
African Plains Game  Safari on 1x1

African Plains Game Safari on 1x1

9.9 7 отзывов
Лимпопо, Южно-Африканская Республика
Черноспинная импала, Павиан, Черная импала, Спрингбок чёрный, Гну белохвостый...
Длительность тура: 5 - 21 дней
Season: 1 февр. 2025 - 20 дек. 2025
Цена от
за 5 дней, 1 охотник
1:1 Back Country Dangerous Game Safari

1:1 Back Country Dangerous Game Safari

9.9 5 отзывов
Лимпопо, Южно-Африканская Республика
Черноспинная импала, Павиан, Баран гривистый, Черная импала, Спрингбок чёрный...
Длительность тура: 5 - 30 дней
Season: 1 янв. 2025 - 30 нояб. 2025
Цена от
за 5 дней, 1 охотник
Черноспинная импала

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