Bohor Reedbuck hunting
View 28 hunts View all hunts28 hunting trips from 5 outfitters starting from $8,719
Where to hunt Bohor Reedbuck
Bohor Reedbuck favour swamps, floodplains, open marshland and riverine areas with extensive reed beds. The Bohor species of Reedbuck are found across Western, Central and North-eastern Africa with many of the subspecies deriving their name from the region in which they occur. The Eastern Bohor Reedbuck is available for hunting in Uganda and Tanzania. The Nigerian Bohor Reedbuck can be hunted in Central African Republic and Cameroon. The Abyssinian Bohor Reedbuck is hunted in Ethiopia. The largest of the Bohor Reedbuck, Sudan or Nile Bohor Reedbuck may be hunted in Uganda.
Price distribution
The hunting price range for Bohor Reedbuck varies by territory and in some territories they charge in Euros, so make a note of the currency quoted for the hunt. In Tanzania, a Bohor Reedbuck may only be hunted on a 16-21 day license with an average daily rate of $1,200 per day and a trophy fee of $850 excluding license fees, community and anti-poaching fees. In Cameroon, a 7-10 day safari will also cost approximately $1,200 per day, plus the previously mentioned extras, with a trophy fee of $450-$900.
When to hunt Bohor Reedbuck?
In Tanzania the hunting season is open from 1 July to 31 December. In the Cameroon the season starts on the 15 December in some regions and most close in April before the rains. One of the advertised territories is open until May. Always seek out the driest part of the hunting season when the grass is short and the bush fires have reduced the availability of long grass and reeds which the Reedbuck use for cover.
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