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31 охотничий тур от 16 аутфиттеров начиная от$213

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$213 Минимальная цена
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Где охотиться на Лисицу

Fox hunting spans the globe, offering hunters the chance to pursue these cunning predators in a variety of environments. From the amazing African bat-eared fox with its oversized ears and desert adaptations to the Pampas fox and other members of the genus Lycalorex in South America, to the tree-climbing North American gray fox, fox hunting promises a dynamic and rewarding experience wherever you go. But the focus of fox hunting is on the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), the most widespread species found throughout Europe, North America, and parts of Asia.

Распределение цен

Fox hunting is among the most affordable and accessible types of hunting available. In Europe, hunts for red foxes can start at around $200-$500, depending on the method and duration of the hunt. In North America, fox hunting is often included in predator hunting packages, with prices typically ranging from $300 to $1,000. In Africa, trophy fees for bat-eared fox can range from $400 to as high as $1,500.

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Когда охотиться на Лисицу?

The best time to hunt foxes depends on the region and the species. In Europe and North America, fox hunting is generally conducted in the colder months, from late fall through winter, when their thick winter coats are at their prime and the animals are more active during daylight hours. In South Africa, bat-eared fox hunting is typically integrated into plains game safaris, with opportunities available year-round, though cooler months may be preferable for comfort in the field.


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Foxes thrive in diverse habitats from farmlands to forests, and are known for their intelligence and sharp senses, making them a challenging and rewarding quarry. It wasn’t an accident that the Reineike, the red fox, has entered European culture as the synonym of cunning. It may stroll nonchalantly in plain view through a park of a big city, but try to harvest it purposefully, and you’ll quickly see why. In Europe, red fox hunting is an old tradition. The time-honored pursuit of foxes on horseback, following a pack of hounds, has sadly been banned in the United Kingdom, but may still be available in other locations. In Eastern Europe, another method of hunting foxes with hounds is practiced; here, only a few dogs give chase, and the hunters try to predict where the critter is headed, intercept it, and shoot with a shotgun. Driven hunts and night shooting from high seats are also popular. Another widely practiced and successful way of fox hunting, especially in North America, is calling, using vocalisation of common fox prey to attract the predator. However, many foxes are killed as an animal of opportunity, be it on mixed-bag driven hunts in Europe or during African safaris. In Africa especially, hardly anyone goes after foxes purposefully, but as the hunter and PH bump into the creature as they glass for bigger game, they may use the chance to stalk and harvest the predator.

Bush TV

Check out an amazing footage from outfitters and landowners properties.

Зачем охотиться на Лисицу?

Fox hunting offers more than just a thrilling challenge; it’s an opportunity to hone your skills, enjoy time in the field, and contribute to wildlife management. As highly adaptable predators, foxes can have significant impacts on local ecosystems, making hunting a valuable tool for population control in many regions. The striking pelts of red foxes, especially their luxurious winter coats, are prized keepsakes, while the unique appearance of species like the bat-eared fox adds a special touch to any trophy collection. Beyond the rewards of the hunt itself, pursuing foxes connects hunters to a tradition that spans centuries, offering a blend of skill, strategy, and adventure. Explore fox hunting options on BookYourHunt.com now!

Thermal Vision Wild Boar Hunt / all inc.

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