Siberian Roe Deer hunting

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12 hunting trips from 6 outfitters starting from $1,258

12 hunts
$1,258 starting from
2 countries
5450mi to the nearest trip

Where to hunt Siberian Roe Deer

Siberian roe deer has long been considered a subspecies of roe deer, but modern research confirms it is an independent species. Its range covers the moderate climate belt of Asia from the Ural Mountains to the East, with the exception of the Pacific coast south to the Amur, which is the domain of Chinese roe deer. The prime destinations for Siberian roe deer hunting are, obviously, Siberia (Russia east of the Urals), and Kazakhstan.

Price distribution

A Siberian roe deer hunt can be as affordable as $1,500 or so, but on the average expect to pay between $3,000 and $4,000 for a 5-7 day remote wilderness hunt. Siberian roe deer can also be hunted in combination with other species, such as maral stag or wolf, for an extra fee of about $1,000 to $1,500.

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Learn more from our blog story

There are many kinds of deer all over the world. In North America alone there are so many different species that can be identified as “deer” that even experienced hunters may not find the question “how many kinds of deer are there” too easy to answer. How about you? Read our blog story and check yourself!

26 Apr 2018 How Many Kinds of Deer Are There in North America?

When to hunt Siberian Roe Deer?

The best time for a trophy Siberian roe deer hunt is the rut. The rut time is one of the major behavioral differences between the two species of roe deer: Siberian roe deer rut takes place later than European roe deer. The season for any-sex hunts may continue until January of the next year, but most bucks drop their antlers by the end of October.


Hunting methods All hunting methods (6)

A typical Siberian roe deer hunt starts with waiting at a sweet spot where the animals come out of cover to feed at dawn. If no animals can be seen or heard (the characteristic barking alarm call can be heard from afar), the hunter may move quietly across the hunting grounds, until a suitable animal is detected. Then a stalk begins. Calling can be very efficient as well, especially imitating a doe call late in the rut season, when most does are already out of heat, but the bucks are still active. Yet another alternative way is hunting from high seats positioned over feeding grounds or, better yet, salt licks.

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Why hunt Siberian Roe Deer?

The little, graceful (and delicious) roe deer is a staple species for many European and Asian hunters, occupying a position similar to a white-tailed deer in America. Siberian roe deer hunting is slowly but surely becoming a cult for roebuck aficionados from Europe, for a simple reason: an average Siberian roe deer trophy will dwarf a set of record European Roebuck antlers, in both size and number of points. With wide distribution, generous seasons, and license availability, Siberian roe deer hunting provides an affordable opportunity to explore the remote and wonderful areas of Asia.

Siberian Roe deer hunt in October

Siberian Roe deer hunt in October

Siberian roe deer
Trip duration: 5 days
Season: 1 Oct 2025 - 20 Oct 2025
Price from
for 5 days, 1 hunter
Siberian Roe deer hunt on the rut (1x1)

Siberian Roe deer hunt on the rut (1x1)

8.3 1 review
Siberian roe deer
Trip duration: 7 days
Season: 25 Aug 2025 - 5 Sep 2025
Price from
for 7 days, 1 hunter
Combined Fall hunting / October

Combined Fall hunting / October

Siberian roe deer, Moose, Siberian brown bear
Trip duration: 10 days
Season: 10 Sep 2025 - 12 Oct 2025
Price from
for 10 days, 1 hunter
Siberian Roe Deer

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