Black-Backed Jackal hunting

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233 hunting trips from 79 outfitters starting from C$315

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Where to hunt Black-Backed Jackal

Jackals belong to the dog family genus which includes coyotes and wolves. There are two species of Jackal that occur in sub-Saharan Africa, namely the Black-backed Jackal and the Side-striped Jackal. This posting is dedicated to the Black-backed Jackal, the more common of the two species which occurs in Southern and Eastern Africa. They can readily be hunted in Namibia, Botswana, South-western Zimbabwe, Southern Mozambique, Uganda and Tanzania.

Price distribution

On private land these animals are often classified as vermin and can be hunted for free as a trophy of opportunity on many territories in Namibia and South Africa. However, if specifically hunted as a trophy or on a night hunt, the trophy fee may range from $50-150. The daily rates for a plains game or night hunt in South Africa and Namibia are in the vicinity of $350-$450 per day. In Zimbabwe and Mozambique you will be required to book a minimum of a 7-10 day hunt, with a daily rate of $600-$700 and pay a trophy fee of approximately $200 for a Jackal and in Tanzania trophy fees are around $540-700, with a daily rate of approximately $1,200 per day.

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When to hunt Black-Backed Jackal?

Jackals may be hunted year round In South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe. In Mozambique, Jackals are only hunted during the hunting season which opens on April 1 and closes on November 30. Likewise, most Jackals are shot in Tanzania also coincides with the hunting season which is from July to December. The best months for hunting Jackals are the dry winter and spring months in Southern Africa when the vegetation is sparser and this being the main hunting season.


Hunting methods All hunting methods (14)

Many private landowners in Namibia and South Africa request hunters to shoot jackals on site. So if you are not on a stalk, you may be requested to come to the farmer’s aid. Being a nocturnal animal, most Jackals are encountered in the early morning or late afternoon when on the prowl for something to eat. Taken during this time it is considered a trophy of opportunity. When hunting at night, Jackals can be called with a predator caller while the hunter sits in a shooting chair on a well camouflaged vehicle. When the jackal appears, a spotlight will be used to illuminate the aim giving you time to find it in the scope and take a quick shot. Jackals are only fooled once and if missed the first time will not respond to a predator caller again. Bow hunting from a blind over water can prove successful as well. Beware, if a Jackals behave strangely it may be carrying rabies.

Why hunt Black-Backed Jackal?

Jackals are medium-sized omnivore scavengers that feed off carrion, fruit and will hunt large insects, hares, mice, rats and small lambs. Jackal hunting can be intensely difficult where jackals are hunted regularly. They are extremely alert and cunning, wily creatures usually scenting you when approaching up wind towards a predator caller, so best you use a remote controlled device. For the avid bowhunter, this is a real challenge and it is not easy to get them to approach close enough for a shot when using a caller. Full mounted Jackals make an interesting mount and if you can collect enough pelts, they make a fantastic skin blanket known locally as a kaross.

2025 SPECIAL Day rate

2025 SPECIAL Day rate

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for 7 days, 2 hunters

1:1 Limpopo Plains Game Safari

9.8 7 reviews
Limpopo, South Africa
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for 5 days, 1 hunter, 1 guest
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Black-Backed Jackal

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