Warzenschwein Jagd
496 Jagden zeigen Alle Jagdangebote zeigen496 Jagdangebote, 138 Jagdanbieter ab$650
Where to hunt Warthog
Warthog’s appearance is familiar to everyone, even those who don’t care for natural history, thanks to Disney’s Pumba character from The Lion King franchise. The species is widespread throughout Africa from Ethiopia, Burkina Faso and Cameroon to Namibia, Mozambique and South Africa, and in fact you can hunt warthog in every country in Sub-Saharan Africa where big-game hunting is legal.
Warthog is one of the most affordable animals to hunt in Africa, and the shooting fee can be as low as $300-$400. However, few hunters travel as far as Africa to hunt only the Warthog. It is usually included in a “plains game” package along with other popular species as impala, springbok, etc; the price of such packages usually starts at $2,000, and goes into $3,000-$7,000 range, depending on number of days and species.
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17 Aug. 2017 Was ist der Endpreis für eine durchschnittliche südafrikanische Jagd?When to hunt Warthog?
Opportunities to hunt Warthog exist pretty much the year round, especially on game farms. No month is necessarily better or worse for Warthog hunting, especially given the wide distribution of the species, but most people prefer to schedule their plains game hunts for the Southern Hemisphere winter, that is, April to October.
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