Black-And-White Colobus hunting

Also known as Mantled Guereza
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2 охотничьих тура от 1 аутфиттера начиная отC$67,295

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C$67,295 Минимальная цена
1 страна
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Where to hunt Black-And-White Colobus

Black-and-white Colobus Monkeys, also known as Mantled Guereza and have the most beautiful black fur, long bushy tail that strongly contrasts with the white facial and mantle hair. They are arboreal forest monkeys that seldom descend to the ground. Their distribution ranges from the forested areas of central Africa to Kenya. However, they may only be hunted in the forested regions of Ethiopia.

Распределение цен

Black-and-white Colobus Monkeys can be hunted during one of the plains game speciality hunts offered in Ethiopia. These hunts carry a daily rate price tag of approximately $2575 a day and the trophy fee for a Colobus Monkey is $600.

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When to hunt Black-And-White Colobus?

Ethiopia has no set-hunting season. However, the best-recommended hunting season is from October to June.


Способы охоты Все способы охоты (4)

In general, Black-and-white Colobus Monkeys can be hunted any time of the day and normally when the opportunity arises. These hunting opportunities normally happen whilst hunting spot and stalk style in the woodlands and forests, especially in the highland montane forests when after speciality animals, like Mountain Nyala and Menelik’s Bushbuck. These monkeys feed on leaves, flowers and fruit, so always keep a close eye up in the tree canopies.

Why hunt Black-And-White Colobus?

Most hunters are not likely to shoot a Black-and-white Colobus Monkey but for some, shooting one of these beautiful forest-dwelling monkeys is just irresistible. They also make magnificent full mounts, either with or without habitat.

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