Südlicher Großkudu jagen
34 Jagden zeigen Alle Jagdangebote zeigen34 Jagdangebote, 15 Jagdanbieter ab$1,750
Wo kann man Südlichen Großkudu jagen?
Kudu can be found in many countries of the sub-Saharan Africa. The Southern Greater Kudu is the subspecies that has the widest distribution. Southern Greater Kudu hunting opportunities exist in Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. It’s usually considered that Kudu trophies are bigger in the South of Africa than in the North.
Southern Greater Kudu is one of the most popular antelopes to hunt, and is included in numerous “plains game” package hunts (that also include other species such as Gnu, Impala or Warthog). Such packages typically start at around $3,000, and go up to circa $10,000 for a comprehensive hunt in a remote wilderness area with five to seven iconic animals such as Sable or Oryx. Few hunters travel as far as Africa to hunt just one antelope, but should that be your desire, budget from $1350 for the trophy fee, and after the daily rates the dedicated Kudu hunt would start at $2,000 or so.
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17 Aug. 2017 Was ist der Endpreis für eine durchschnittliche südafrikanische Jagd?Wann kann man Südlichen Großkudu jagen?
In South Africa Kudu hunting opportunities exist all year on enclosed territories, and may be subject to hunting seasons in free-range areas, depending on the province. Most African countries have hunting seasons, but they are usually generous; for example, in Namibia the season is closed in January and February, the hottest months of the year, when hunting is nearly impossible anyway. The best months for hunting Kudu in South Africa are April and May, when the animals have the rut, and September to October, when the bush is most open.
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