White Blesbuck hunting
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Where to hunt White Blesbuck
Blesbok was a huntable endemic species native only in South Africa but has now been introduced to Namibia. Originally due to its large numbers it was nearly hunted into extinction, however since it was protected in the late 19th century this animal has made an incredible comeback through the conservation efforts of hunters and game ranchers alike. The White Blesbok is not an albino but is simply a colour mutation of the Common Blesbok and share the same habitat and behavioural patterns. This species is now available throughout most of the Highveld (inland plateau) and semi-arid open bushveld regions of South Africa.
Price distribution
This is a commonly hunted species in South Africa and Namibia. In some instances where they are more common, they may be included in a plains game package hunt. The daily rates for these territories range from $350-$450 per day. In Namibia the trophy fee for White Blesbok is approximately $850 and in South Africa it ranges from $600 where very common to $1790 in territories where it is rare.
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When to hunt White Blesbuck?
White Blesbok can be hunted year round In South Africa and from February 1 until November 30 when the trophy hunting season opens in Namibia. Blesbok are easily hunted year round but hunting during the cooler winter months is more comfortable than in summer. During the rut which occurs from March to May, it is easier to identify the males due to their courtship behaviour as both males and females have horns.
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