Where to hunt Somalia Ram
Somalia ram is originally a breed of domestic sheep widespread in North-Eastern Africa. These sheep do not produce wool, and are bred exclusively for their meat and fat. Somalia sheep were introduced by Europeans to South America, where they went feral and are now offered for hunting in countries like Argentina.
Price distribution
Somalia ram shooting fees is usually in the neighborhood of $2,000. Add the daily rate, which in Argentina is typically on the order of $500, and the price of the other trophies you might want to take (as few people will be willing to undertake such a journey for a feral ram) to get the price of the complete hunt.
Learn more from our blog story
Many American hunters are convinced that the only way a person can have a sheep hunt on a budget is to be lucky with drawing a tag. However, there are opportunities for sheep hunting that do not require one to spend six figures on a Governor’s tag. This blog post will walk you through some of the options.
22 Jul 2018 Is There Such a Thing as an Over-the-Counter Sheep Hunt that Won’t Break the Bank?When to hunt Somalia Ram?
Somalia ram is a feral/exotic animal, and can be hunted all through the year. This allows the hunter to schedule the hunt in synch with hunting for other, more expensive species that are found in the area. The winter (in Southern hemisphere, lest you forget, it runs from about May to August), would perhaps work best.
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