Охота в Марокко

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2 охотничьих тура от 1 аутфиттера начиная отA$4,415

2 охоты
A$4,415 Минимальная цена
2 животных
4122mi До ближайшего тура

Morocco on map

Located in North Africa, Morocco is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea to the west and north, Algeria to the east, and the disputed territory of Western Sahara to the south. The country’s landscape combines a coastline rich in biodiversity, mountainous regions, fields and deserts.

About hunting in Morocco

From partridge and doves to wild boar and aoudad, Morocco is a one-of-a-kind hunting destination where ancient landscapes meet diverse hunting adventures in the heart of North Africa. Читать больше...

Morocco is a land of contrasts, from the snow-capped Atlas Mountains to the vast Sahara dunes and lush cedar forests. This rich geographical tapestry provides habitats for a variety of game species, including the sought-after Barbary sheep, wild boar, and several game birds such as the Barbary partridge and turtle doves. Morocco offers unique hunting opportunities set against the backdrop of its breathtaking landscapes and vibrant culture. Morocco is located on the north-western tip of Africa, and has coastline at both the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. A large part of its territory is mountainous, with Atlas Mountains in the south and center, and the Rif range in the north. Between the coastlines and the Sahara Desert, that occupies the southeast of the country, one finds an astonishing variety of environments, from lush forests to fertile fields and steppes. The climate of the coastal plains is remarkably mild, in the south-east it is extremely hot and dry, and parts of the mountains enjoy a stable snow cover in winter. With this variety of terrains and clients, Morocco is naturally a magnet for the lovers of the outdoors. The country is especially known among hunters for its wild boar hunts. As Islam prohibits its followers to eat pork (the most ardent followers refuse even to touch the unclean animal), wild pigs multiply freely and reach impressive numbers and sizes. Large driven boar hunts not only serve to control populations, but give wild boar hunting enthusiasts a unique experience: think high-volume Argentina dove shooting, only with pigs. Speaking of dove shooting, Morocco is famous for that as well, and partridge shooting in Morocco is legendary. You will meet so many wild, free-ranging birds there as you would on a released partridge shoot in Europe. But the crown of hunting in Morocco, in more ways than one, is found in the snow-capped Atlas mountains. Since 2020, the aoudad (Barbary sheep) hunting was open in Morocco, making it the second country (the other one is Sudan) where you can legally pursue this animal in its natural environment. Travel to Morocco is convenient, with several international airports connecting major cities like Marrakech, Casablanca, and Rabat to the rest of the world. Hunting trips in Morocco are typically organized by experienced local outfitters who provide all-inclusive packages, including permits, guides, accommodation, and transport. French is widely spoken across the country, and English-speaking guides are available to ensure a seamless experience for international hunters. Ancient history - the area has been populated for 300,000 years - and unique culture, combining the Arabic and Islamic tradition with the native Berber, with Roman, Mediterranean, Spanish and Hebrew influences, adds to the attractiveness of the country. Скрыть детали

Распределение цен

Hunting in Morocco offers a range of pricing structures to suit different budgets, generally offering good value compared to other exotic hunting destinations. Prices vary based on the type of hunt, duration, and included amenities. Most outfitters provide package deals that cover all necessary components of the hunt, making Morocco an attractive option for hunters seeking an exotic experience without exorbitant costs.

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Способы охоты

Hunting in Morocco ranges from traditional methods to more modern approaches. Spot and stalk hunting is common for big game like the Barbary sheep, utilizing the rugged terrain of the Atlas Mountains. For bird hunting, especially for species like the Barbary partridge, hunters often use pointing dogs to locate and flush out game. Driven hunts are also organized for wild boar, providing an intense and communal hunting experience.

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4 Days Driven Wild Boar Hunt

9.4 5 отзывов
Куропатка, Кабан
Длительность тура: 4 дня
Season: 1 окт. 2024 - 31 мар. 2025
Цена пакетного тура
за 4 дня, 1 охотник

3 Days Driven Wild Boar Hunt

9.4 5 отзывов
Куропатка, Кабан
Длительность тура: 3 дня
Season: 1 окт. 2024 - 31 мар. 2025
Цена пакетного тура
за 3 дня, 1 охотник

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