Hunting in La Pampa

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£1,237 Минимальная цена
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La Pampa on map

La Pampa is located in central Argentina, acting as a transition zone between the Pampas to the east and Patagonia to the south. It's bordered by Buenos Aires to the northeast, San Luis to the north, Mendoza to the west, Río Negro to the south, and Neuquén to the southwest.

About hunting in La Pampa

With its vast open plains, abundant wildlife, and authentic Argentine culture, La Pampa is the prime destination for big-game hunters in Argentina. Читать больше...

La Pampa is the prime big-game hunting destination in Argentina. It is one of the few places which have huntable herds of the brown brocket deer, endemic to South America region. Another non-introduced species you can hunt in La Palma is the puma. Introduced species, which have adapted well to the region, include red, fallow, and axis deer, blackbuck antelope, water buffalo, and wild hog. Some outfitters complement those with a variety of feral sheep and goats, as well as mouflon and "Texas" Dall sheep. Dove, pigeon, duck and perdiz (partridge) shooting are also available. La Pampa’s landscape is marked by grasslands, scrublands, and some forested areas, particularly near rivers. The province features predominantly flat to gently rolling plains, characteristic of the vast Pampas grasslands. Towards the west, the terrain becomes more arid and is influenced by the Patagonian desert. The province supports a diverse range of flora typical of the Pampas, including grasses and hardy shrubs. Travelers usually fly into Buenos Aires and then take a domestic flight to Santa Rosa, the capital of La Pampa. The province is also accessible by road from Buenos Aires. The journey offers a glimpse of the scenic Pampas and its vast landscapes. Beyond hunting, La Pampa offers activities such as bird watching, horseback riding, and exploring the rural gaucho culture. The Lihué Calel National Park is a natural attraction, offering hiking and wildlife viewing. The province’s quiet, rural setting also makes it ideal for a tranquil retreat and experiencing the local way of life. Скрыть детали

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Most hunters come to La Palma for big-game hunting. The landscape of the province is perfectly suited for the classic spot-and-stalk hunt.


Bush TV

Check out an amazing footage from outfitters and landowners properties.

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