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Gemsbuck are a desert native also found in the semi-arid regions of Southern Africa. It is also found in Angola, Namibia, Botswana, South Africa and south western Zimbabwe. The Golden Gemsbuck is just a variation of the regular Gemsbuck bred by game farmers in South Africa from animals with this genetic mutation. They were originally bred for the trophy hunting market which until now has shown very little appetite for this genetic variation. A limited number of Golden Gemsbuck are now available for hunting on game ranches in South Africa and Namibia.
Распределение цен
Normally a 6-10 day plains game hunt is required to take one of these trophies. In South Africa and Namibia this hunt will cost you between $350 - $450 per day. More territory options are available in South Africa however the trophy fees range considerably from $3,500 – 8,000, with the average price around $3,500. In Namibia trophy price deals can be found between $ 3,500 and $5,000.
Специальные предложения
When to hunt Golden Gemsbuck?
Golden Gemsbuck may be hunted year round In South Africa. In Namibia, hunting is closed in January and February. Although huntable year round in their arid habitat it is most pleasant to hunt this species during the cooler winter months from May to the end of September. Walk and stalk hunts during the heat of the day in this open arid country during the summer months can be quite dehydrating so remember to dehydrate at every opportunity. Some outfitters prefer to hunt in summer and autumn when there is more cover making for an easier approach during the stalk.
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