Fringe-Eared Oryx hunting

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11 охотничьих туров от 1 аутфиттера начиная отR568,310

11 охот
R568,310 Минимальная цена
1 страна
7975mi До ближайшего тура

Where to hunt Fringe-Eared Oryx

Fringe-eared Oryx is a subspecies of the East African Oryx, more commonly known as Beisa Oryx. This is one of four Oryx species living in Africa and the Middle East. The other three species are Gemsbuck, Arabian Oryx and the Scimitar-horned Oryx and closely resemble a more faun coloured version of the silver coloured Gemsbuck. Although not always visible, they have tufts of hair on the end of their ears. Their distribution is limited to the arid regions of south-eastern Kenya and hunted in north-eastern Tanzania.

Распределение цен

Fringe-eared Oryx are classified as a Masailand special and therefore come at a premium price. The shortest hunt available in Masailand is a 10-day hunt running at $3580 per day with a trophy fee of $5950 that includes your 21-day hunting license. In addition, keep in mind this excludes charters, community development and anti-poaching fees.

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When to hunt Fringe-Eared Oryx?

The official hunting season in Tanzania opens on July 1 and closes on December 31. July through October are normally the driest months but being a semi-arid area this region does not record as much rain as the marshlands of Western Tanzania, thus making for easier hunting conditions.


Способы охоты

These animals inhabit the semi-arid dry savanna grasslands, scrublands and Acacia woodlands. They are nocturnal animals feeding on dew absorbing plants at night. They are best-hunted early morning and late evening whilst searching for grass, leaves, fruit, buds, tubers and melons. These conditions make for nomadic animal movement behaviour and a vehicle is used to cover as much ground as possible during this spot and stalk hunt.

Why hunt Fringe-Eared Oryx?

Fringe-eared Oryx have incredible eyesight and always make a challenging hunt. These beautiful animals always look so impressive with their facemasks and sabre-sharp horns. They make impressive shoulder mounts that will bring back many lasting memories of your safari.

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10 1 отзыв
Fringe-eared oryx, Африканская дикая кошка, Шакал чепрачный, Зебра Бёме, Бушпиг (кустарниковая свинья)...
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Fringe-Eared Oryx

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