Chiloé Wigeon hunting

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5 охотничьих туров от 1 аутфиттера начиная от$2,550

5 охот
$2,550 Минимальная цена
1 страна
5351mi До ближайшего тура

Where to hunt Chiloé Wigeon

The Chiloé wigeon (Mareca sibilatrix) gets its name from the Chiloé Archipelago in southern Chile, and inhabits a variety of wetland environments, including lagoons, marshes, and flooded fields, across South America. This striking looking duck is known for its iridescent green and blue head, white face, and barred flanks. Argentina is the premier destination for Chiloé wigeon hunting. The wetlands and agricultural fields of provinces like Buenos Aires, La Pampa, and Santa Fe offer ideal conditions for this bird. These regions host abundant populations of Chiloé wigeon during the hunting season, often in combination with other waterfowl species such as rosy-billed pochards, yellow-billed pintails, and white-faced whistling ducks. Although less common, Chiloé wigeons are also found in parts of Chile, Uruguay, and southern Brazil, where hunting opportunities may be available in wetland areas.

Распределение цен

Chiloé wigeon usually comes as a part of Argentinian waterfowl or mixed bag bird packages. They are typically priced just short of $1,000 a hunter a day, with a special deals often costing significantly less. Considering that you get not only guiding services, but also lodging and accommodation that would do credit to a reputable hotel, this is not too expensive. Just don’t forget about the gratuity for the ‘boys’!

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When to hunt Chiloé Wigeon?

The waterfowl season, that includes Chiloé wigeon, takes place during South America’s fall and winter months, from May to August. This period coincides with the region’s peak waterfowl hunting season, as migratory and resident populations gather in large numbers in wetlands and flooded fields.


Способы охоты

Chiloé wigeons aren’t usually hunted purposefully, and all common duck hunting techniques would work for them. Hunts in South America usually take place out of blinds over large decoy spread. Ask your guides if they have species-specific decoys, if you have to bag a Chiloé wigeon, and opt for more open chokes and smaller shot sizes, as the bird isn’t big, and its quick movements make it a challenging and rewarding quarry.

Why hunt Chiloé Wigeon?

The Chiloé wigeon is a stunning and unique trophy for any waterfowl hunter. Its vivid green, blue, and white plumage make it one of the most beautiful ducks in the world, and a standout addition to any collection. Beyond its visual appeal, the Chiloé wigeon offers excellent table fare, with tender, flavorful meat that lends itself well to traditional roasts and other waterfowl dishes. The hunt itself takes place in Argentina’s picturesque wetlands and fields, offering not only exceptional hunting but also an immersive outdoor adventure. Start planning your Chiloé wigeon hunt today and experience the thrill of chasing one of the world’s most stunning waterfowl species.

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