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Aardwolf is a nocturnal insectivorous animal whose distribution is determined by its favourite food, harvester termites. They are found across Southern Africa, East Africa and up into northern East Africa. However they are normally only hunted in Namibia and South Africa. The best hunting areas are in the semi-arid regions and on the edges of the desert where this animal seems to be more prolific.
Распределение цен
Other than one package hunt available in Namibia all the other BookYourHunt Aardwolf hunting listings are in South Africa. In South Africa a range of hunts from 3 – 7 days are available with some outfitters specialising in nocturnal hunts. The daily rates range from $345-$380 per day for a 1x1 hunt or $280 per day for a 2x1 hunt. Trophy fees range from $900-1,500. The cost of a Threatened or Protected Species permit is not included in the price.
When to hunt Aardwolf?
Aardwolf may be hunted year round In South Africa. The Namibian hunting season is from February 1 to November 30. The best months to hunt Aardwolf are the cooler winter months before the rains. Once it has rained there is more food available and hunting becomes more difficult. Also during the winter months you may even find these animals still feeding at dawn or just sunning themselves before returning to their burrows.
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