Black Bear - Spring Spot and Stalk Hunt

Альберта, Канада

Цена пакетного тура

Цена пакетного тура

C$5,740 за 6 дней, 1 охотник,
with Медведь черный (Барибал) included
C$5,740 *
*Это приблизительная цена в выбранной валюте. Фактическая цена поездки составляет US$ 4,000
Стоимость включает:
Суточная стоимость за 6 дней
1 охотник
Медведь черный (Барибал)
Информация о пакете Выбор дат поездки
Выберите даты и другие детали Вашей охоты и сделайте бронь.

Об этой охоте

Experience the excitement and exhilaration of a real Canadian bear hunt - 100% fair chase spot and stalk hunt. The hunt durations is a 6 day hunt full or adventure and sights. We will be hunting the Canadian boreal forest that is rich with wildlife from black bear, grizzly, moose, deer and even wolves. We will be hunting in north-central Alberta in WMU 350 a non-baiting zone making local hunting pressure minimal. The zones vast size of around 6000 km square giving a lot of options to seen new country daily. Mode of transportation while hunting are by truck or quad on both logging winter and summer roads as well as on oil field industry roads and pipelines. Recent burns int the area have provided unique open hunting territory as well The zone is a two bear zone giving yourself a unique opportunity to shot your first bear then pursue a second larger or a chance to find a colour phase bear. We also include a wolf license in the price of the hunt. Our hunts are six days long Monday - Saturday Dates available May 18-23 - 6 spots May 25-30 - 6 spots

С проводником (Стандартный тур)
Охота с карабином Охота с подхода

Сезон охоты: 18 мая 2026 - 31 мая 2026

Вероятность успеха

Historically 100% + success rate over the past 10 years. Last year the second hunt we had a 180% shot opportunity but first week due to extreme rainfall we ran at 70% shot opportunity. The first week was a unique situation and the most challenging hunt we have faced with heavy rains most days.

Где Вы будете охотиться


Hunting territory is dominantly crown and (public land) and some private land. The crown land is mix wood spruce and aspen forests bordering private farmland where deer population flourish.

Тип ограждения: Нет ограждения

Размер территории: 6000km2

Язык персонала: Английский

Открытие: 2023 год

Развлекательные услуги

Тир Экскурсии

Где Вы остановитесь

Corbet Creek Cottage and Cabins

You'll be staying at a quaint lodge, that is nestled into a treed yard next to an open field, making it not only a peaceful stay but also provides a good opportunity to see lots of wildlife right from the lodge. The lodge sleeps up to 6 clients comfortably in three different rooms. The house has a full kitchen where meals will be served and snacks and beverages will be available. The lounge room has comfy couches and chairs around a gas fire place where one can warm up, relax and tell the stories of the day. The lodge has two full washrooms. Guides will stay in the cabins on the same yard site allowing for the continued luxury of a spacious lodge.

Удобства: Интернет Ванная комната Ensuite shower Холодильник Услуги прачечной Покрытие сети мобильной связи Электричество

  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation

Как добраться

Навигационные указания

Clients can fly into Edmonton, Alberta International airport (YEG) and be picked up, or they may drive directly to the lodge if they wish to drive.

Ближайший аэропорт: Edmonton YEG

Расстояние от аэропорта: 2 hours

Трансфер из аэропорта: Да

Трансфер с ж/д станции: Нет

Другая информация

Аренда оружия: Да

Обязательная вакцинация: Нет

Подробнее об охоте... (территории, размещении, и т.д.) Скрыть детали


В стоимость включено

  • Проживание
  • Транспорт во время охоты
  • Трансфер в/из аэропорта
  • Сопровождение профессиональным охотником
  • Первичная обработка трофеев
  • Охотничья лицензия
  • Завтрак
  • Обед
  • Dinner
  • Снеки, закуски
  • Прохладительные напитки
  • Housekeeping


  • Hunt cancellations are non-refundable

В стоимость НЕ включено

  • Разрешение на оружие
  • Аренда оружия
  • Патроны
  • Страховка
  • Алкогольные напитки
  • Услуги прачечной
  • Чаевые
  • Taxidermy Services & Shipping
  • Trophy Fee of second bear
  • Авиаперелёт

Ранение животного

  • Any shot that draws blood on a bear but are not found are still considered a harvested and tagged bear.

В стоимость включено

  • Проживание
  • Транспорт во время охоты
  • Трансфер в/из аэропорта
  • Сопровождение профессиональным охотником
  • Первичная обработка трофеев
  • Охотничья лицензия
  • Завтрак
  • Обед
  • Dinner
  • Снеки, закуски
  • Прохладительные напитки
  • Housekeeping

В стоимость НЕ включено

  • Разрешение на оружие
  • Аренда оружия
  • Патроны
  • Страховка
  • Алкогольные напитки
  • Услуги прачечной
  • Чаевые
  • Taxidermy Services & Shipping
  • Trophy Fee of second bear
  • Авиаперелёт


  • Hunt cancellations are non-refundable

Ранение животного

  • Any shot that draws blood on a bear but are not found are still considered a harvested and tagged bear.



50% стоимости тура
Срок внесения депозита: 5 дней после бронирования
Payment options provided by outfitter:

Полная оплата

оплачено По прибытию
Payment options provided by outfitter:

Payment notes

Final Payment is by Cash

Отзывы (4)

Keith Соединённые Штаты Америки
9.0 of 10
Проверенный отзыв Это отзыв о проверенном бронировании на BookYourHunt
18 февр. 2025

Successful Wolf Hunt

9.0 of 10

It was Corbett Creeks 1st year doing wolf hunts. Richard listened to ways making the hunts better going forward. Example were the heaters for blinds. The time I spent in Alberta it was sometimes -25 F. Never got above zero. The bigger buddy heaters Richard got the second day kept the insulated blind comfortably warm for 12 hour sits in -20 F weather. R Corbett creek in my opinion will only get better. Wolf hunting is one of the most elusive of all game animals to harvest. I was successful on a very large Canadian Wolf. Richards family are wonderful people and treated their hunters like family.


Angelo Соединённые Штаты Америки
10.0 of 10
Проверенный отзыв Это отзыв о проверенном бронировании на BookYourHunt
26 нояб. 2023

Corbett Creek Outiftters

10.0 of 10

Hardworking outfitter, did his best to put his hunters in the best locations to achieve a successful outcome.

Richard Соединённые Штаты Америки
6.3 of 10
Проверенный отзыв Это отзыв о проверенном бронировании на BookYourHunt
18 февр. 2025

Wolf hunt

6.3 of 10

Nice accommodations, good food. Outfitter tried very hard. Most equipment was good. There were wolves hitting the bait, but only at night.

Sat in the blind for 55 hours and saw two whitetail does with fawns and two coyotes. The same 13 ravens every day. -26 the first morning, brutal cold the entire hunt. Had propane buddy heaters, sometimes very hard to light, ran out of gas the first afternoon and finally gave up lighting it, took me two hours to light it the last day. Myself and the other hunter had trouble with the heaters nearly every day.

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May 2026