
Цена пакетного тура

Цена пакетного тура

$1,365 за 1 день, 1 охотник,
with Утка included
US$ 1,365 *
*Это приблизительная цена в выбранной валюте. Фактическая цена поездки составляет 1,250
Стоимость включает:
Суточная стоимость за 1 день
1 охотник
Информация о пакете Выбор дат поездки
Выберите даты и другие детали Вашей охоты и сделайте бронь.

Об этой охоте

The hunt starts in the morning at a designated location, where hunters are met by a member of hunting company. At this location, hot and cold drinks are served and the last administrative formalities (registration of the hunter, hunting licenses, firearms, insurance) are handled. The hunt begins with traditional blowing of the hunting horns, in which the hunter is informed again about the course of the hunting day and he is assigned a hunting companion (Guide). The hunting guide will inform you after every flight of your hunting success (number of hits) and will be with you during the entire hunting day. After the morning blowing of the horns, the hunt begins. As a rule, 2-3 ponds are hunted until noon. Then lunch will take place in the restaurant near the hunting area (lunch, soft drinks, cold and hot drinks included in the price). In the afternoon, you hunt 2-3 ponds again, depending on the success of the hunt. At the end of the hunting day, you meet together on the starting place, where game layout is displayed. It is traditional that the hunting horns are blown to end the hunting day followed by a meal.

С проводником (Стандартный тур)
Нагонная охота на птиц Охота с дробовиком

Сезон охоты: 8 сент. 2025 - 10 сент. 2025

Вероятность успеха

Our hunts are organized and conducted on our own ponds located in the western part of the Czech Republic. In this location, one can hunt on 8 water ponds or waterways with a total area of about 126 ha. The area is located approx. 50 km from the border with Germany and 135 km from Prague International Airport.

Где Вы будете охотиться


There are 8 ponds of different sizes. In the hunting area, they fish on pontoons, on the shores of ponds and from boats.

Тип ограждения: Нет ограждения

Размер территории: 126ha

Язык персонала: Английский Немецкий

Открытие: 1991 год

Ландшафт территории

Саванна/ низкорослый кустарник: 30%

Развлекательные услуги

Тир Parcours shooting park with 25 targets

Где Вы остановитесь

Castle Susice

This historically famous castle will dig into your hearts during your stay in it and most importantly, it knows its very good cuisine. The move from the castle to the hunting ponds is not so far and we always move together. Our staff will be at the place of accommodation and will guide you at all times and give you all the information. In the castle during the hunt, all hunters are accommodated in the castle bedrooms. The only problem is that hunting dogs are not accepted here.

Расположено не на территории охотничьего угодья, 25Km

Удобства: Телевизор Интернет Ванная комната Холодильник Сейф Электричество Сауна Бассейн Spa treatments

  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation

Как добраться

Навигационные указания

Easily accessible territory. In some ponds, you have to go around the pond to the hunting place. We always have easily accessible places for immobile hunters. We recommend high rubber boots or waterproof shoes. Hunting in this territory is only in September, when the weather in the Czech Republic is warm and rarely rainy.

Ближайший аэропорт: Pague

Расстояние от аэропорта: 150Km

Трансфер из аэропорта: Нет

Расстояние от ж/д станции: 35Km

Трансфер с ж/д станции: Да

Другая информация

Аренда оружия: Нет

Обязательная вакцинация: Да

Детали Вакцинации: Upon entering the accommodation and restaurants, you must prove yourself with a vaccination certificate. PCR tests and antigen tests are invalid.

Подробнее об охоте... (территории, размещении, и т.д.) Скрыть детали


В стоимость включено

  • Проживание
  • Сопровождение профессиональным охотником
  • Охотничья лицензия
  • Страховка
  • Завтрак
  • Обед
  • Dinner
  • Снеки, закуски
  • Прохладительные напитки
  • One full days hunting for duck
  • Accomodation with full board
  • Hunting Organization
  • Translator
  • Booking fee
  • Hunting invitation
  • Publicc Health Passebger Locator Form


  • Cancellation fees for cancellation of a hunting event:
  • a) 100% refund if canceled 40 days before the start of the hunting event.
  • b) 14 days before the start of the hunting event there is the possibility of a refund only for the organization of the hunt (this is not accommodation and not a hunting license including insurance).

В стоимость НЕ включено

  • Трансфер в/из аэропорта
  • Ammunition 25pc/15€
  • Услуги прачечной
  • Алкогольные напитки
  • Чаевые
  • Gun rental 46€
  • Guide person night /130€
  • Первичная обработка трофеев

Ранение животного

  • Each hit duck counts.

В стоимость включено

  • Проживание
  • Сопровождение профессиональным охотником
  • Охотничья лицензия
  • Страховка
  • Завтрак
  • Обед
  • Dinner
  • Снеки, закуски
  • Прохладительные напитки
  • One full days hunting for duck
  • Accomodation with full board
  • Hunting Organization
  • Translator
  • Booking fee
  • Hunting invitation
  • Publicc Health Passebger Locator Form

В стоимость НЕ включено

  • Трансфер в/из аэропорта
  • Ammunition 25pc/15€
  • Услуги прачечной
  • Алкогольные напитки
  • Чаевые
  • Gun rental 46€
  • Guide person night /130€
  • Первичная обработка трофеев


  • Cancellation fees for cancellation of a hunting event:
  • a) 100% refund if canceled 40 days before the start of the hunting event.
  • b) 14 days before the start of the hunting event there is the possibility of a refund only for the organization of the hunt (this is not accommodation and not a hunting license including insurance).

Ранение животного

  • Each hit duck counts.



30% стоимости тура
Срок внесения депозита: 5 дней после бронирования
Payment options provided by outfitter:
Bank transfer

Полная оплата

оплачено По прибытию
Payment options provided by outfitter:

Тур на карте

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September 2025