Whitetail Rut Hunt
Цена пакетного тура
Цена пакетного тура
with Олень белохвостый (Виргинский) included

More about us
Наша компания основана в 2017 и работает на 1 территории
- Our unequaled professionalism, dedication and work ethic will leave you with the most rewarding and memorable experience of hunting in Alberta. Offering high-quality trophy hunts for Canadian Moose, whitetail deer, Mule Deer, Elk, Black Bear and Wolf/Coyote
- We pride ourselves on being one of the most personable, professional and successful outdoor outfitters in Alberta. With both archery and rifle hunting experiences available, we go to some of the most prominent and prime hunting areas of the province.
- Our dedication and outstanding knowledge of Alberta’s beautiful hunting terrain ensures that your experience will be enticing and memorable. As responsible outdoor outfitters in Alberta, we respect hunting, and Alberta’s land; we only take a limited number of hunters for each of the species, and never over-hunt. Our sustainable hunting philosophy allows us to provide trophy-quality animals for participants fortunate enough to attend a hunt with one of the premier outdoor outfitters in Alberta.

Об этой охоте
We are hunting some of the best whitetail deer habitat in North America. Our success comes from hard work, persistence and patience. Heated Stands and Ground Blinds are utilized to maintain Stealth and Comfort. Accessing these Prime areas is no easy task; we accomplish this with SXS’s, Quads and 4x4 Trucks ready for the task. The Trophy Bucks let down their guard for this short period and are heavily working there scrape line searching for Receptive Doe’s and challenging all other Bucks that are trying their best to get in on the action. The Dominant Buck will come in to Rattling, Scraping and Calls; we take advantage of this patterning by knowing there routine from our Trail Cams and good old footwork prior to your Hunt Start and set you up where you most likely to see several decent Bucks on a daily basis is typical, with 140-160 (common) and 180+the Goal. Whitetail Archery and Rifle Hunts during the peak of the Rut ( November 2nd and third week of November being the best) this hunt the opportunities are there with plenty of excitement. Archery Season Starts August 25th-September 16th. Rifle/Archery September 17th-November 30th, 2020.
С проводником
Disabled friendly
(Стандартный тур)
Охота с вышки
Охота с карабином
Охота из укрытия
Охота с луком
Сезон охоты: 1 нояб. 2025 - 30 нояб. 2025
Best time for hunting: 15 нояб. 2025 - 22 нояб. 2025
OTC Tag available
Где Вы будете охотиться
Beautiful remote hunting area with diversified Terrain from level to River Ridges, something for everyone's preference and abilities. Outfitter tents are very comfortable and heated, the dining Tent is set up with Fridges/Coffee/Snacks Etc. An enclosed Heated Wash & Shower Tent makes for a very comfortable clean up after a long day of hunting these allusive Bulls.. Several hunting stands statically placed are an excellent opportunity to bag a trophy size 6x6 Bull in the mid 300's, if you have the patience these Stands will pay big dividends. If you preferer battling the River Ridges into very remote areas to find the Herd Bull the opportunities are endless, in this huge hunting area there are several Rivers with feeder Creeks from all directions. Our excellent knowledgeable Guides will look after all aspects of the hunt to match your preferences.
Тип ограждения: Нет ограждения
Размер территории: 10,000+
Languages spoken by staff: English
Operating since: 2017 year
Рельеф территории
Plains: 20%
Холмистая возвышенность: 70%
Горы: 10%
Ландшафт территории
Саванна/ низкорослый кустарник: 30%
Лес: 70%
Entertainment services
Shooting range Excursions
Где Вы остановитесь
Our accommodations are top-notch and range from modern Outfitters Tents complete with propane heat and wood stoves, to mobile trailer campers, to the full-comfort of remote lodges and rural cottages. Select local hotel/motel accommodation is also used during certain hunts, depending upon availability and suitability. Our hearty, stick to your ribs meals are plentiful and expertly prepared. Beverages will be supplied, alcoholic beverages are not included in the cost of the hunt but you're welcome to bring your own (we'll bring the mix!) and we're happy to procure supplies upon request. If you have dietary limitations please contact us in advance to discuss.
Удобства: Телевизор Интернет Ванная комната Ensuite shower Летний душ Холодильник Услуги прачечной Покрытие сети мобильной связи Электричество
Как добраться
Pre-Hunt and Post-Hunt transportation is included in the price of our hunts and will be provided from Edmonton International Airport to our camp and back. Hunters are responsible for arranging their own transportation while in Edmonton. We have arranged special discount rates with car rental agencies in the vicinity of Edmonton International Airport and we're happy to provide a list of these Approved rental companies upon request, please contact us for more information. While transportation to and from camp is provided you're welcome and encouraged to arrange for your own transportation. A rental vehicle will give you complete flexibility before, during and after your hunt and allows for immediate action in the event of an early kill, a need to depart camp early, and the flexibility to react immediately in the event of a family or business emergency. We are able to facilitate unscheduled departures should the need arise but please be aware you will incur an additional charge for an unscheduled driving requirement.
Ближайший аэропорт: Международный аэропорт Эдмонтон
Distance from airport: 200
Трансфер из аэропорта: Нет
Distance from railway: 75
Трансфер с ж/д станции: Нет
Другая информация
Аренда оружия: Нет
Обязательная вакцинация: Нет
В стоимость включено
- Проживание
- Транспорт во время охоты
- Сопровождение профессиональным охотником
- Первичная обработка трофеев
- Завтрак
- Обед
- Ужин
- Снеки, закуски
- Прохладительные напитки
- Add additional days to your hunt for $800 USD/per day
- All payments are non-refundable but may be transferred to another hunt or another hunter in the same year.
В стоимость НЕ включено
- Трансфер в/из аэропорта
- Охотничья лицензия
- Разрешение на оружие
- Патроны
- Алкогольные напитки
- Чаевые
Ранение животного
- All big game hunts are subject to a $1,000 wound fee. If the animal is not recovered, a wound is considered a kill. We have never had to apply this hunting regulation.
В стоимость включено
- Проживание
- Транспорт во время охоты
- Сопровождение профессиональным охотником
- Первичная обработка трофеев
- Завтрак
- Обед
- Ужин
- Снеки, закуски
- Прохладительные напитки
- Add additional days to your hunt for $800 USD/per day
В стоимость НЕ включено
- Трансфер в/из аэропорта
- Охотничья лицензия
- Разрешение на оружие
- Патроны
- Алкогольные напитки
- Чаевые
- All payments are non-refundable but may be transferred to another hunt or another hunter in the same year.
Ранение животного
- All big game hunts are subject to a $1,000 wound fee. If the animal is not recovered, a wound is considered a kill. We have never had to apply this hunting regulation.
Полная оплата
Отзывы (1)
Good hunt
Hospitality was tremendous, food and accommodations excellent. Looking forward to a return trip.
Weather didn't cooperate, it was just too warm. That is no one's fault and we hunted hard regardless.
Тур на карте
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