2x1 Spring Bear Hunt

Британская Колумбия, Канада

Цена пакетного тура

Цена пакетного тура

A$5,569 A$6,285 за 6 дней, 1 охотник,
with Медведь черный (Барибал) included
A$5,569 *
A$6,285 *
*Это приблизительная цена в выбранной валюте. Фактическая цена поездки составляет US$ 3,500
Стоимость включает:
Суточная стоимость за 6 дней
1 охотник
Медведь черный (Барибал)
Информация о пакете Выбор дат поездки
Выберите даты и другие детали Вашей охоты и сделайте бронь.
Membership of associations
Guide Outfitters Association of British Columbia, GOABC

Об этой охоте

Our spring bear hunts are very exciting with numerous sightings per day often in the double digits. Average harvest size between 6' to 7'. There is a high density and we take a limited number of hunters affording many opportunities including color phase bears. Bears will frequent the southern mountain slopes and newer logging cuts, feeding on the fresh grasses, clover and dandelions in the spring. We know where the good berry patches are and can put you on some great bears in the Fall as well. We are also lobbying to return the grizzly hunt in BC. 2nd bear = $2000 Includes fishing and wolf hunting.

С проводником (Стандартный тур)
Охота с карабином Охота с подхода Охота с луком Охота подманиванием

Сезон охоты: 10 мая 2025 - 30 июн. 2025

Вероятность успеха


OTC лицензия доступна

Где Вы будете охотиться

More about us

Our company was established in 2000 and operates in 2 territories.


Тип ограждения: Нет ограждения

Размер территории: 10,000+

Язык персонала: Английский

Открытие: 2018 год

Где Вы остановитесь


We have a nice main lodge with a guest cabin on beautiful Chuchi Lake. It is located about 4 hours from Prince George and 1 hour North of Fort St-James. It has power, shower, and wood heat. We are planning to build cabin camps on our remote sites and are currently utilizing spike camps for our fly-in and backpack hunts. Pick-up and drop-off in Prince George is included on all hunts.

Удобства: Ванная комната Ensuite shower Электричество

  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation

Как добраться

Навигационные указания

Please contact us for directions.

Ближайший аэропорт: Prince George

Трансфер из аэропорта: Да

Трансфер с ж/д станции: Нет

Другая информация

Аренда оружия: Нет

Обязательная вакцинация: Нет

Подробнее об охоте... (территории, размещении, и т.д.) Скрыть детали


В стоимость включено

  • Проживание
  • Транспорт во время охоты
  • Сопровождение профессиональным охотником
  • Первичная обработка трофеев
  • Завтрак
  • Обед
  • Ужин
  • Снеки, закуски
  • Прохладительные напитки
  • Included on all hunts: Accommodations, meals during the hunt, ground transportation, fishing, upland game birds, and wolves when combined with other hunt. Pick-up and return to Prince George. Field dressing and care of game.


  • A 50% non-refundable deposit is required to book a hunt and balance for Spring hunts due on March 1st and for Fall hunts, it is due May 1st. Trip cancellation insurance is recommended.

В стоимость НЕ включено

  • Трансфер в/из аэропорта
  • Охотничья лицензия
  • Разрешение на оружие
  • Аренда оружия
  • Патроны
  • Страховка
  • Алкогольные напитки
  • Чаевые
  • Not included on hunts: Hunting license, species license, royalties, hunter preservation fund, CITES, charter flights, expediting services (extra trip requests to town), taxes, gratuities, trophy shipping/permits and taxidermy.
  • Non-Hunting Companion = $250 per day

Ранение животного

  • Wounding policy is wounded game is treated like a kill and the hunt is over.

В стоимость включено

  • Проживание
  • Транспорт во время охоты
  • Сопровождение профессиональным охотником
  • Первичная обработка трофеев
  • Завтрак
  • Обед
  • Ужин
  • Снеки, закуски
  • Прохладительные напитки
  • Included on all hunts: Accommodations, meals during the hunt, ground transportation, fishing, upland game birds, and wolves when combined with other hunt. Pick-up and return to Prince George. Field dressing and care of game.

В стоимость НЕ включено

  • Трансфер в/из аэропорта
  • Охотничья лицензия
  • Разрешение на оружие
  • Аренда оружия
  • Патроны
  • Страховка
  • Алкогольные напитки
  • Чаевые
  • Not included on hunts: Hunting license, species license, royalties, hunter preservation fund, CITES, charter flights, expediting services (extra trip requests to town), taxes, gratuities, trophy shipping/permits and taxidermy.
  • Non-Hunting Companion = $250 per day


  • A 50% non-refundable deposit is required to book a hunt and balance for Spring hunts due on March 1st and for Fall hunts, it is due May 1st. Trip cancellation insurance is recommended.

Ранение животного

  • Wounding policy is wounded game is treated like a kill and the hunt is over.



50% стоимости тура
Срок внесения депозита: 5 дней после бронирования

Полная оплата

оплачено По прибытию

Отзывы (21)

Client review Соединённые Штаты Америки
10.0 of 10
Проверенный отзыв Это отзыв о проверенном бронировании на BookYourHunt
5 июл. 2024

Excellent Hunt

10.0 of 10

Excellent hunting experience. Took my son and wife spring black bear hunting. We had the last hunt of the season. I was less than optimistic. I was wrong. Saw 20+ bears in the 3 days of hunting. Killed a huge black bear and my son killed a great cinnamon. Great guide, great outfitter and great territory. Thank you for making such great memories.


9.7 of 10
Проверенный отзыв Это отзыв о проверенном бронировании на BookYourHunt
13 дек. 2023

Was very pleased with this hunt and will be doing it again

9.7 of 10

This was my forth guided hunt so I have a bit of experience with guides! Ray was great and man he worked his ass off to get my my moose and Mule Deer! Was great with the meat and helped me get it home! Will be hunting with him again for sure! Also well priced!

It was far away haha but that’s where the big moose are

Brandyn Соединённые Штаты Америки
10.0 of 10
Проверенный отзыв Это отзыв о проверенном бронировании на BookYourHunt
22 сент. 2023

More Than Just a Hunting Trip

10.0 of 10

Ray and his staff went above and beyond to not just provide a hunting trip, but an experience. We worked hard for the animals and I was able to put a moose and a bear on the ground. I would like to say thank you to Adrian for putting me on a moose and then working so hard to bring the animal out of the field. By then end of the trip I did not feel that I was a client hunting with a guide, I felt like I was hunting with one of my buddies. When I booked this hunt I was a little apprehensive as is my nature. I would say to anyone who is feeling that way not to feel that way about Wolverine Range Outfitters. They are honest and hard working. Every staff member legitimately wanted each hunter to harvest a quality animal and worked long hours to ensure that. I will definitely be booking another trip in the future. Not just to go and try to harvest another animal, but to go see my new Canadian friends.

That I had to go home.

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May 2025