Other Sheep hunting

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4 hunting trips from 3 outfitters starting from A$4,566

4 hunts
A$4,566 starting from
1 country
4665mi to the nearest trip

Where to hunt Other Sheep

"Other Sheep" is a broad category where BookYourHunt.com includes various kinds of sheep that may not be easy to define. In many parts of the world humans, voluntarily or involuntarily, let their domestic sheep escape into the wild. After a few generations, the animals became shy and hard to approach, and if their numbers had to be controlled, hunting would be the only option. Hybridization and adaptation to new environments often made the feral animals quite unlike their domestic progenitors. You will find an opportunity to hunt a sheep in many countries, including but not limited to Ireland (Feral and Hybrid), Macedonia (Racka sheep), and New Zealand.

Price distribution

Most outfitters that offer hunts for sheep price them on a "daily rate plus trophy fee" basis. The daily rates average $400 a hunter a day, with variations depending on the country and level of service, and the shooting fees start from $1,000.Feral sheep hunting is often offered in combination with other species, such as red deer. The price of such packages may vary depending on what particular species (trophy or non-trophy) are on the list.

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Learn more from our blog story

Many American hunters are convinced that the only way a person can have a sheep hunt on a budget is to be lucky with drawing a tag. However, there are opportunities for sheep hunting that do not require one to spend six figures on a Governor’s tag. This blog post will walk you through some of the options.

22 Jul 2018 Is There Such a Thing as an Over-the-Counter Sheep Hunt that Won’t Break the Bank?

When to hunt Other Sheep?

Being an exotic animal, there’s no definite season for most sheep that are included in our "other sheep" category. That is to say, you can hunt one in any month of the year, including periods when hunting for most other species is closed. The best period for hunting may not be easy to define. The autumn, both in the Southern and the Northern hemisphere, would perhaps work best.


Hunting methods

Many hunting methods may be employed for hunting "other sheep", including hunting from high seats and driven hunts, especially in the Continental Europe. But by fat the most popular way is spot and stalk. Often, the spotting part is opportunistic – if the hunter and the guide notice a good-sized trophy in the course of a less-than-perfect hunt for other species, the hunter may choose to take the opportunity and hunt this animal. Then the hunters make a careful approach to the animal, taking into account the direction of the wind, available cover, and millions of other details. On most of these hunts the client is accompanied by a professional guide, which makes them a good introduction for someone who wants to learn the ropes quickly, without too much trial and error.

Why hunt Other Sheep?

Hunting feral sheep is associated with a sort of stigma. But bear in mind, that many animals that we perceive as "wild" today used to be domesticated once, too. Take the Mouflon, one of the species that originally introduced Europeans to sheep hunting for sport. The aristocrats that cruised the Mediterranean in their yachts tried to hunt wild Mouflon on the islands, and found it an exciting and challenging pursuit. The irony is that the species is technically a feral animal as well. Modern research suggests that the mouflon was introduced by humans to the islands such as Crete and Corsica in the Neolith, then the escaped animals formed a wild population, and from there were introduced to hunting estates across Europe. Those who are afraid the hunt will not be challenging enough may choose a spot-and-stalk hunt with short-range weapons, such as a handgun, a muzzleloader, or archery gear. No sheep is easy to stalk within bow range. The successful hunter will be rewarded not only by impressive horns, soft skin that makes a good rug, and a few pounds of 100% organic meat with a strong gamey taste.

Kri-Kri Hybrid Ibex + Feral Goat

Kri-Kri Hybrid Ibex + Feral Goat

8.7 7 reviews
Dalmatian wild sheep, Kri-Kri Hybrid Ibex
Trip duration: 4 days
Season: 1 Sep 2023 - 30 Apr 2026
Package price
for 4 days, 1 hunter

Island Hunt

10 1 review
Dalmatian wild sheep, Axis deer, Feral goat, Kri-Kri Hybrid Ibex, Mediterranean Mouflon
Trip duration: 2 - 3 days
Season: 1 Dec 2025 - 19 Dec 2027
Price from
for 2 days, 1 hunter
Kri Kri Hybrid Ibex and Dalmatian ram

Kri Kri Hybrid Ibex and Dalmatian ram

9.9 2 reviews
Zadar, Croatia
Dalmatian wild sheep, Kri-Kri Hybrid Ibex
Trip duration: 3 days
Season: 31 May 2023 - 31 May 2027
Package price
for 3 days, 1 hunter
Other Sheep

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