Moose hunting

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183 hunting trips from 102 outfitters starting from $863

183 hunts
$863 starting from
10 countries
422mi to the nearest trip

Where to hunt Moose

Moose live in boreal forest regions across the northern part of the globe. The biggest, known as Alaska-Yukon, inhabit the Alaska and the Yukon into the Mackenzie Mountains of the Northwest Territories. The Chukotka moose from Kamchatka and Russian North-East is just as big. Moose in Canada’s other western provinces are classified as Western Canada moose, and those east of a line drawn across Ontario are Eastern Canada moose. The Shiras moose range extends through the Rocky Mountains south to Colorado and Utah; it has the smallest antlers of the North American moose. The European moose is hunted in Norway, Sweden, Finland, the Baltics, Poland, and Russia.

Price distribution

The most affordable moose hunts are to be found in Eastern Europe, Baltic countries, and the European part of Russia, where you can hunt a moose for $1,000-$1,500. Western and Eastern moose hunts in Canada typically go for $3,000-5,000, and moose hunting in Scandinavia is priced similarly. The incredible Alaska-Yukon and Kamchatka monster moose are the most expensive, as the price includes travel to remote areas. You can usually combine a moose hunt with a grizzly or sheep hunt, and such offers top the price range.

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Learn more from our blog story

Shiras moose is perhaps the most difficult kind of moose to harvest, given that the tag is hard to draw, and in Idaho, the home state of BookYourHunt’s Director for America James Reed, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime thing. Read how James and his son turned a once-in-a-lifetime tag into a once-in-a-lifetime success.

6 Jun 2016 Slugging the Hulk

When to hunt Moose?

Trophy moose hunts usually take place in the rut, which happens in September-October in most parts of moose range. Meat hunts commonly take place later, in November-December, when the bull meat is less affected by hormonal surge of the mating period, and snow makes it easier to track a wounded animal. Post-rut hunts tend to be cheaper, but beware that moose shed their antlers at about the time of snowfall.


Hunting methods All hunting methods (17)

Most trophy hunts take place during the rut. Moose don’t form harems like other deer, but they bulls do challenge each other for dominance and territorial control. By imitating a rival bull hunters can get the moose in range but beware: during the rut bull moose are very aggressive, and many nations believe them to be more dangerous than even bears. North American moose hunts are usually conducted by spot-and-stalk, by calling, or a combinations of both methods. European moose hunts are traditionally conducted by driving, or using special trained dogs of local breeds who hold the animals in place by mock attacks, and give the hunters the hint of where it happens by barking. Stalking and calling are also practiced, though.

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Moose live in boreal forest regions across the northern part of the globe. The biggest, known as Alaska-Yukon, inhabit the Alaska and the Yukon into the Mackenzie Mountains of the Northwest Territories. The Chukotka moose from Kamchatka and Russian North-East is just as big. Moose in Canada’s other western provinces are classified as Western Canada moose, and those east of a line drawn across Ontario are Eastern Canada moose. The Shiras moose range extends through the Rocky Mountains south to Colorado and Utah; it has the smallest antlers of the North American moose. The European moose is hunted in Norway, Sweden, Finland, the Baltics, Poland, and Russia.

Why hunt Moose?

The moose (Alces alces) is the largest of the world’s deer species and their large size, impressive antlers, and delicious meat makes them highly sought after by big-game hunters around the world. Moose hunting in Scandinavia, especially in Sweden, is an important part of the rural lifestyle and economy. Moose hunts often take place in heavily wooded or swampy areas where it is often difficult to use a vehicle. In western North America, horses are often used to cover ground and to pack out downed moose; in other areas, boats or canoes are utilized. Moose hunts take hunters to regions well off the beaten track, and hunting moose, as well as recovering the animal, can be extremely challenging, especially in remote country.

Rut Whitetail/Moose/Predator Combo!

Rut Whitetail/Moose/Predator Combo!

Alberta, Canada
Moose, White-tailed deer, Wolf
Trip duration: 7 days
Season: 1 Nov 2025 - 30 Nov 2025
Package price
for 7 days, 1 hunter
2:1 Guide Fall Bull Moose/Wolf combo '25

2:1 Guide Fall Bull Moose/Wolf combo '25

9.5 6 reviews
British Columbia, Canada
Moose, Wolf
Trip duration: 8 days
Season: 10 Sep 2025 - 5 Nov 2025
Package price
for 8 days, 1 hunter


Utah, United States
Moose, Bighorn sheep, Bison, Black bear, Elk...
Trip duration: 5 days
Season: 17 Aug 2025 - 31 Dec 2025
Package price
for 5 days, 1 hunter

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