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Kudu hunting in South Africa 327 hunts
No first-time or returning hunter will ever turn down the opportunity to shoot or improve on their trophy size on one of Africa’s most sought after species. Be it for meat or for its horn size, Kudu are sought after throughout their range.
Kudu are split into two ecological ranges (groups) in South Africa. Historically, the best Southern Greater Kudu trophies were taken in the Soutpansberg Mountains (Limpopo Province) and the Natal Midlands (KwaZulu-Natal Province), which hold many of the top records for this species. The Eastern Cape Greater Kudu with its slightly smaller horns is endemic to the Valley Bushveld regions of the Eastern Cape Province.
Today, good quality Kudu hunting is available in numerous provinces, thanks to the efforts of the game ranchers, breeders and management efforts of the landowners. For this very reason many hunters choose to hunt in South Africa. Classified as a species of least concern by the IUCN, no special hunting permits are required.
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Kudu & Sable package in 5* Lodge
9.7 25 reviews
South Africa
Limpopo, South Africa
Southern greater kuduSable
Bow HuntingRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Jul, 24 - 30 Jun, 25
Package Trip
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Package price
for 8 days,
1 hunter, 1 guest
Recently Booked
This Outfitter was booked in the last couple of weeks.
2:1 Plains Game Trophy Hunt
10 1 review
South Africa
North West, South Africa
KuduBaboonBlack impalaBlack springbokBlack wildebeestBlack-backed jackalBlue wildebeestBrown hyenaBurchells zebraBushpigCape buffaloCape elandCaracalCivet catCommon blesbuckCommon duikerCommon reedbuckCommon springbokCopper springbokGemsbuckGenet catGiraffeGolden gemsbuckGolden wildebeestHoney badgerImpalaKings wildebeestKlipspringerLimpopo bushbuckLivingstone elandMountain reedbuckNyalaOstrichPorcupineRed hartebeestRed lechweRoanSableSaddleback impalaScimitar oryxServalSpotted hyenaSteenbokTsessebeVervet monkeyWarthogWaterbuckWhite blesbuckWhite springbokWhite-flanked impalaYellow blesbuck
Bow HuntingCrossbow HuntingHunting From a BlindRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Jan, 25 - 31 Dec, 25
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Big Four
Dangerous Game
Small Game
Price from
for 3 days,
1 hunter
Recently Booked
This Outfitter was booked in the last couple of weeks.
True Africa Package
0.0 0 reviews
South Africa
Free State, South Africa
KuduBlue wildebeestCommon blesbuckCommon springbokImpalaWarthog
Bow HuntingCrossbow HuntingHorseback HuntingHunting From a BlindMountain HuntingRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Jan, 25 - 31 Dec, 25
Package Trip
Family Friendly
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Package price
for 9 days,
1 hunter, 1 guest
Instant Booking
You get instant confirmation when you book this hunt!
The Pride of Summer - 4 Days
9.7 7 reviews
South Africa
Eastern Cape, South Africa
Eastern cape kuduBlack impalaBlack springbokBlack-backed jackalBurchells zebraBushpigCape bushbuckCommon blesbuckCommon duikerCommon springbokCopper blesbuckCopper springbokEgyptian gooseFrancolinGuineafowlImpalaNyalaPorcupineSableSaddleback blesbuckSpringhareVervet monkeyWarthogWaterbuckWhite blesbuckWhite-flanked impalaYellow blesbuck
Bow HuntingCrossbow HuntingHunting From a BlindMuzzleloaderRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 06 Jan, 25 - 06 Jan, 26
Family Friendly
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Small Game
Price from
for 4 days,
1 hunter
Season Special 2025
9.7 4 reviews
South Africa
Northern Cape, South Africa
Bow HuntingRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Jan, 25 - 31 Dec, 25
Package Trip
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Package price
for 7 days,
1 hunter
Sable Bull + 4 Plains Game Package
8.0 1 review
South Africa
North West, South Africa
Southern greater kuduBlue wildebeestSableSouthern impala
Bow HuntingRifle Hunting
Season: 01 Mar, 25 - 30 Nov, 25
Package Trip
Family Friendly
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Package price
for 10 days,
1 hunter
Limpopo Plains Game Package 2
10 1 review
South Africa
Limpopo, South Africa
KuduBlue wildebeestImpalaWarthog
Bow HuntingCrossbow HuntingHigh SeatHunting From a BlindRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Jan, 25 - 31 Dec, 25
Package Trip
Family Friendly
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Package price
for 10 days,
1 hunter
African Plains Game Safari 2x1
9.8 8 reviews
South Africa
Eastern Cape, South Africa
KuduBaboonBarbary sheepBlack springbokBlack wildebeestBlack-backed jackalBlue duikerBlue wildebeestBontebokBurchells zebraBushpigCape bushbuckCape elandCape springbokCaracalCommon blesbuckCommon duikerCommon reedbuckCopper springbokFallow deerGemsbuckGrey rhebuckGrysbuckImpalaMountain reedbuckNyalaOribiOstrichRed hartebeestRed lechweSteenbokWarthogWaterbuckWhite blesbuckWhite springbok
BaitingBow HuntingRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 04 Jan, 25 - 30 Nov, 25
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Small Game
Price from
for 5 days,
2 hunters
Kudu Rut Special
10 1 review
South Africa
Northern Cape, South Africa
Eastern cape kudu
Mountain HuntingRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 May, 25 - 31 May, 25
Package Trip
Family Friendly
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Package price
for 7 days,
1 hunter
Only 5 days left
This offer expires on 31 Mar, 25. Don't miss out!
1x1: Eastern Cape Free-range Hunt
9.7 15 reviews
South Africa
Eastern Cape, South Africa
Eastern cape kuduBlack impalaBlack springbokBlack wildebeestBlue wildebeestBontebokBurchells zebraBushpigCape buffaloCape bushbuckCape elandCommon blesbuckCommon duikerCommon reedbuckCommon springbokCopper springbokFallow deerGemsbuckGiraffeGrey rhebuckImpalaMountain reedbuckNyalaRed hartebeestRed lechweRoanSableSteenbokWarthogWaterbuckWhite blesbuckWhite springbok
BaitingCallingDriven HuntMuzzleloaderRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Mar, 25 - 31 Oct, 25
Family Friendly
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Big Four
Dangerous Game
Price from
for 1 day,
1 hunter