Kamchatka Moose hunting

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1 hunting trip from 1 outfitter starting from C$23,627

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C$23,627 starting from
1 country
4943mi to the nearest trip

Where to hunt Kamchatka Moose

Kamchatka moose, predictably, inhabits the Kamchatka peninsula. This is a unique part of our planet, with high volcanic activity and numerous hot geysers that, together with the impact of the ocean, create a unique environment where everything seems to grow bigger – including the moose. The peninsula offers legendary opportunities for brown bear, snow sheep and moose hunting and salmon fishing, and is a place nobody ever regretted visiting.

Price distribution

Kamchatka moose hunts start at $10,000 and may go up to $15,000. This is the price range for almost all hunts in Kamchatka, and is explained by geography and poor transport opportunities. Moose inhabit remote areas of Kamchatka, and most of the price tag is spent on getting there and back again, so a trip with a friend or two may mean a considerable saving for everybody.

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Learn more from our blog story

With amazing scenery and great opportunities for various pursuits, including fishing, sightseeing, birdwatching, bear viewing, visiting the geyser valley and active volcanoes, extreme sports, Kamchatka attracts thousands of tourist each year. Read more about hunting opportunities, travel tips, and other essential data about Kamchatka.

27 Apr 2016 Discovering Russia: Kamchatka

When to hunt Kamchatka Moose?

The season for Kamchatka moose hunting begins September 1 and ends December 15. Many great trophies have been harvested in the late season, when the size of the animal can be estimated by the tracks, but by far the best season for moose hunting is the rut, which usually happens in late September – early October. Not only does this period allow the exciting hunt “on the roar” (by calling), but also there are fewer chances of your hunt being ruined, or return delayed, by an unexpected shift in the weather.


Hunting methods

Kamchatka moose can be hunted by stalking, or still-hunting along river bottoms, but they often stick to places with thick undergrowth, where they are difficult to see. By far the best option to hunt Kamchatka moose is by calling during the rut; the bulls wander about looking for females or rivals, and if already with a cow, will challenge everyone who is perceived as a competitor or invader. Later in the season tracking through the snow is added to the list. Following moose tracks on foot through the snowy taiga is an exciting pursuit, but can be physically challenging.

Why hunt Kamchatka Moose?

Believe it or not, until the 1970s there were no moose in Kamchatka. The narrow bridge that unites the peninsula with the mainland is situated well to the North of the natural moose range, and the animals could not penetrate it without assistance from the Russian hunters. In a new place the moose not only multiply well, but also reach impressive size. The current world’s No 2 moose trophy was harvested in 2017 in Kamchatka. With such impressive trophies, and an opportunity to explore one of the world’s most amazing trophies, Kamchatka moose hunting should be on everyone’s wish list.

Kamchatka moose

Kamchatka moose

9.9 7 reviews
Kamchatka moose
Trip duration: 7 days
Season: 15 Nov 2025 - 15 Dec 2025
Package price
for 7 days, 1 hunter
Kamchatka Moose

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