Hunting in Greece

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8 hunting trips from 1 outfitter starting from $18,899

8 hunts
$18,899 starting from
1 animal
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Greece on map

Greece, also called the Ellada or the Hellenic Republic, is located on the tip of the Balkan Peninsula in the south-east of Europe, and also includes thousands of islands in the Aegean, Adriatic, and Mediterranean Seas, from Corfu in the west to Crete in the south to Rhodes in the east. On land, it borders Albania, North Macedonia, Bulgaria and Turkey. The landscape on both the islands and on the mainland is hilly to mountainous, featuring the hot Mediterranean climate.

About hunting in Greece

You definitely know Greece as the cradle of Western civilization, but you might be surprised to learn that it is also a jewel in any mountain hunter’s crown. Read more...

Hunting in Greece isn’t what it used to be - if you compare it with antiquity. Everyone knows that back then Artemis, the Goddess of the Hunt, was one of the most honored deities in the Pantheon, and Heracles went about chasing huge wild boars, lions, and other creatures. Moving from myths to reality, Greece is also where Xenophon, best known as a military leader and author of “The Retreat of the Ten Thousand”, wrote “Cynegetica”, the earliest known hunting treatise. Interestingly, its first chapter sounds like an apology of hunting, describing it as a gift of gods, and urging the young reader not to despise it - did anti-hunters already exist in 350 b.c.? Even if they did, the Greeks have kept the hunting tradition alive from Xenophon’s times to present. The shores of Greece serve as the wintering grounds for waterfowl, ensuring excellent duck and geese hunting. In the woods, you find the red deer, and in the river valleys the wild boar, which the Greek hunters love to pursue in big driven hunts. But the craze of most Greek hunters is a small upland bird - the woodcock. If you ever pursued it with a pointing dog, you don’t need an explanation why. International hunters, however, come to Greece in search of another animal, the Kri-Kri ibex. This mountain goat, without which no Capra Slam is complete, exists on Greek islands in very small numbers. Kri-Kri ibex hunting is strictly limited, and offered only by a handful of outfitters. Being a member state of the European Union and the Schengen Border Agreement, Greece is easy to visit not only by Europeans, but also citizens of the USA, Canada, and the British Commonwealth including Canada and Australia. It is also generous with the visas to people of other nations, tourism being a vitally important part of the country’s economy. The tourist industry is well-developed, the prices affordable, sight-seeing potential second to none, and food, especially seafood and fish, is fabulous. Speaking of which, you can find a variety of fishing trips in Greece on our sister website, Hide details

Price distribution

There are more hunters willing to complete the Capra slam than Kri-Kri ibex hunting offers, and it shows when it comes to pricing. They are priced at about 8,000 Euro a hunter a day, usually including accommodation, guiding, and the trophy. Unusually for Europe, the price doesn’t normally depend on trophy price.

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