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Common reedbuck hunting in South Africa 80 hunts
The Common Reedbuck is a medium-sized antelope with similar colouring to a White-tailed Deer and short heavily ridged forward curving horns. It is mostly a nocturnal feeder preferring tall grass often associated with water and attracted to green pastures during the dry winter months. They are most active in the early morning and evening and spend most of the day bedded down.
Sometimes called a Southern Reedbuck, this species is best hunted in the Midlands and Zululand regions of KwaZulu-Natal. They tend to lay-up, even keeping their heads as low as possible when detecting danger and will only flush from a hunter at the last moment. They will sound a loud whistle like danger call before bounding off with the white underside of their tail showing in true White-tail Deer fashion.
Rated as one of the best tasting venisons in the country, they are popularly targeted by meat hunters where locally abundant. They are classified as a species of least concern by the IUCN and no special hunting permits are required. However, Common Reedbuck are listed as a Threatened or Protected Species (TOPS) requiring a prearranged permit prior to hunting.
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2:1 Plains Game Trophy Hunt
10 1 review
South Africa
North West, South Africa
Common reedbuckBaboonBlack impalaBlack springbokBlack wildebeestBlack-backed jackalBlue wildebeestBrown hyenaBurchells zebraBushpigCape buffaloCape elandCaracalCivet catCommon blesbuckCommon duikerCommon springbokCopper springbokGemsbuckGenet catGiraffeGolden gemsbuckGolden wildebeestHoney badgerImpalaKings wildebeestKlipspringerKuduLimpopo bushbuckLivingstone elandMountain reedbuckNyalaOstrichPorcupineRed hartebeestRed lechweRoanSableSaddleback impalaScimitar oryxServalSpotted hyenaSteenbokTsessebeVervet monkeyWarthogWaterbuckWhite blesbuckWhite springbokWhite-flanked impalaYellow blesbuck
Bow HuntingCrossbow HuntingHunting From a BlindRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Jan, 25 - 31 Dec, 25
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Big Four
Dangerous Game
Small Game
Price from
for 3 days,
1 hunter
Recently Booked
This Outfitter was booked in the last couple of weeks.
African Plains Game Safari 1x1
9.8 8 reviews
South Africa
Eastern Cape, South Africa
Common reedbuckBaboonBarbary sheepBlack springbokBlack wildebeestBlack-backed jackalBlue duikerBlue wildebeestBontebokBurchells zebraBushpigCape bushbuckCape elandCape springbokCaracalCommon blesbuckCommon duikerCopper springbokFallow deerGemsbuckGrey rhebuckGrysbuckImpalaKuduMountain reedbuckNyalaOribiOstrichRed hartebeestRed lechweSteenbokWarthogWaterbuckWhite blesbuckWhite springbok
BaitingBow HuntingRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 28 Mar, 25 - 31 Oct, 25
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Small Game
Price from
for 5 days,
1 hunter, 1 guest
2:1 Lowveld Plains Game Safari
0.0 0 reviews
South Africa
Limpopo, South Africa
Common reedbuckAfrican wild catBaboonBlack-backed jackalBlue wildebeestBrown hyenaBurchells zebraBushpigCape elandCaracalCivet catCommon blesbuckCommon duikerGemsbuckGenet catGiraffeGolden wildebeestHippoImpalaKlipspringerKuduLimpopo bushbuckMountain reedbuckNyalaOstrichPorcupineRed hartebeestRoanSableSpotted hyenaSpringhareSteenbokTsessebeVervet monkeyWarthogWaterbuckWhite blesbuck
Bow HuntingDriven HuntHigh SeatHunting From a BlindManagement HuntMountain HuntingRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Jan, 25 - 31 Jan, 26
Family Friendly
Disabled friendly
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Price from
for 3 days,
2 hunters
Instant Booking
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1x1: Eastern Cape Free-range Hunt
9.7 15 reviews
South Africa
Eastern Cape, South Africa
Common reedbuckBlack impalaBlack springbokBlack wildebeestBlue wildebeestBontebokBurchells zebraBushpigCape buffaloCape bushbuckCape elandCommon blesbuckCommon duikerCommon springbokCopper springbokEastern cape kuduFallow deerGemsbuckGiraffeGrey rhebuckImpalaMountain reedbuckNyalaRed hartebeestRed lechweRoanSableSteenbokWarthogWaterbuckWhite blesbuckWhite springbok
BaitingCallingDriven HuntMuzzleloaderRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Mar, 25 - 31 Oct, 25
Family Friendly
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Big Four
Dangerous Game
Price from
for 1 day,
1 hunter
The Savannah Experience
9.8 7 reviews
South Africa
Limpopo, South Africa
Common reedbuckBaboonBlack impalaBlue wildebeestBurchells zebraBushpigCape buffaloCape elandCaracalCivet catCommon blesbuckCommon duikerCrocodileGemsbuckGenet catGiraffeGolden wildebeestHippoHoney badgerImpalaKlipspringerKuduLimpopo bushbuckMountain reedbuckNyalaOstrichRed hartebeestRoanSableSteenbokTsessebeWarthogWaterbuckWhite blesbuck
BaitingBow HuntingCallingHunting From a BlindManagement HuntMuzzleloaderRifle HuntingShotgun HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Apr, 25 - 30 Nov, 25
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Big Four
Dangerous Game
Small Game
Price from
for 5 days,
1 hunter
Recently Booked
This Outfitter was booked in the last couple of weeks.
2:1 Free State Plains Game Hunt
9.7 1 review
South Africa
Free State, South Africa
Common reedbuckBaboonBarbary sheepBlack impalaBlack springbokBlack wildebeestBlack-backed jackalBlue duikerBlue wildebeestBontebokBurchells zebraBushpigCape buffaloCape bushbuckCape elandCape grysbuckCaracalCommon blesbuckCommon duikerCommon springbokCopper springbokEastern cape kuduFallow deerGemsbuckGiraffeGolden gemsbuckGolden wildebeestGrey rhebuckHartmanns zebraImpalaKlipspringerKuduMountain reedbuckNyalaOstrichRed hartebeestRed lechweRoanSableScimitar oryxSteenbokTsessebeWarthogWaterbuckWhite blesbuckWhite springbok
BaitingBow HuntingCallingCrossbow HuntingDriven HuntHunting From a BlindRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Apr, 25 - 30 Nov, 25
Family Friendly
Disabled friendly
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Price from
for 7 days,
1 hunter
Bushveld and Plains Game Hunt
9.5 6 reviews
South Africa
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Common reedbuckBlack wildebeestBurchells zebraBushbuckBushpigCaracalCommon blesbuckCommon duikerCommon springbokGiraffeImpalaNyalaOribiRed hartebeestSouthern greater kuduWarthogWaterbuck
Bow HuntingRifle Hunting
Season: 01 Jan, 23 - 31 Dec, 25
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Small Game
Price from
for 2 days,
1 hunter
Limpopo Plains Game Hunt (2x1)
9.9 7 reviews
South Africa
Limpopo, South Africa
Common reedbuckBaboonBlack-backed jackalBlue wildebeestBrown hyenaBurchells zebraBushpigCape buffaloCape elandCaracalCivet catCommon blesbuckCommon duikerCommon springbokGemsbuckGenet catGiraffeGolden wildebeestHoney badgerImpalaKlipspringerKuduLimpopo bushbuckMountain reedbuckNyala
Bow HuntingCrossbow HuntingHigh SeatHunting From a BlindMuzzleloaderRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Jan, 25 - 31 Dec, 25
Family Friendly
Disabled friendly
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Price from
for 6 days,
1 hunter
Limpopo Trophy Hunt 1x1
10 1 review
South Africa
Limpopo, South Africa
Common reedbuckAfrican wild catBaboonBlack impalaBlue wildebeestBurchells zebraBushbuckBushpigCape elandCaracalCivet catCommon blesbuckCommon duikerGemsbuckGiraffeGolden wildebeestHoney badgerImpalaKlipspringerKuduMountain reedbuckNyalaOstrichPorcupineRed duikerRed hartebeestSableServalSteenbokTsessebeVervet monkeyWarthogWaterbuckWhite blesbuckWhite-tailed mongoose
Bow HuntingRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Mar, 25 - 30 Nov, 25
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Small Game
Price from
for 5 days,
1 hunter
Eastern Cape Plains Game Hunt 2x1
10 5 reviews
South Africa
Eastern Cape, South Africa
Common reedbuckBaboonBlack impalaBlack springbokBlack wildebeestBlack-backed jackalBlue wildebeestBontebokBurchells zebraBushbuckBushpigCape buffaloCape bushbuckCape elandCape mountain zebraCaracalCommon blesbuckCommon duikerCommon springbokCopper springbokEastern cape kuduFallow deerGemsbuckGenet catGiraffeGolden gemsbuckGolden wildebeestGrey rhebuckImpalaMountain reedbuckNyalaOstrichPorcupineRed hartebeestRed lechweRoanSableSteenbokVervet monkeyWarthogWaterbuckWhite blesbuckWhite springbok
Rifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Feb, 25 - 30 Nov, 25
Family Friendly
Disabled friendly
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Price from
for 5 days,
1 hunter