Columbian Black-Tailed Deer hunting
4 hunting trips from 1 outfitter starting from a468,299
Where to hunt Columbian Black-Tailed Deer
The Columbian black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) is a subspecies of mule deer, found along the Pacific Coast of North America, from Northern California through Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and into southern Alaska. Unlike their mule deer relatives of the interior West, blacktails prefer the dense coastal rainforests, rugged mountain foothills, and misty river valleys, making them a unique and challenging quarry. British Columbia and the western regions of Oregon and Washington are prime destinations for blacktail hunting, offering a mix of public land and private ranch opportunities. Some of the best hunting occurs in the thick, temperate rainforests of Vancouver Island, where blacktails thrive in the lush, green wilderness. In California, the coastal mountains and redwood forests of Sonoma, Mendocino, and Humboldt Counties provide exceptional opportunities for pursuing this elusive deer.
Price distribution
Columbian black-tailed deer hunts vary in price based on location, terrain, and whether lodging is included, or only the guiding. In British Columbia, guided hunts typically range from $3,500 to $6,000, with premium hunts on Vancouver Island often exceeding $7,000. In Oregon, Washington, and California, guided hunts range from $2,500 to $5,000. Tags are usually available OTC, but access to prime habitat on private land plays a decisive role in pricing. Another factor is the timing - hunts during the rifle season typically cost more than archery or muzzleloader season hunts.
How Many Kinds of Deer Are There in North America?
Where does the Columbian black-tailed deer stand among the countess species and subspecies that may be called "deer" in North America? Read our blog to find out.
26 Apr 2018 How Many Kinds of Deer Are There in North America?When to hunt Columbian Black-Tailed Deer?
The best time to hunt Columbian black-tailed deer depends on the region. Typically for other deer hunts, the seasons open with early archery in August and may continue through December. Specific season dates vary not only between states and provinces, but often also between wildlife management units within a state or province, so make sure you have the latest and most accurate data for the specific location. The early season, from August to September, offers opportunities for high-country blacktails in alpine meadows before they descend into the dense forests. The rut, that peaks in November across most of its range, is the prime time. In the northern parts of the Columbian blacktail range, late-season hunts in December are particularly productive, as snow makes bucks more predictable in their movement patterns, and it’s easier to track them.
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