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Blue wildebeest hunting in South Africa 290 hunts
Blue Wildebeest is known as the “Poor Man’s Buffalo”, due to its looks and brute strength. When wounded, it has been known to attack hunters. They have long dark manes and a beard, silver-grey bodies with darkish vertical bands on their front quarters earning them their alternative name of Brindled Gnu. The Golden and Kings Wildebeest, a bred colour variant of this species is now available for hunting.
Historically they only occurred in the low altitude bushveld but have now been introduced throughout the country, even in the high altitude central grasslands known as the Highveld. They carry a disease fatal to cattle which requires that all owners take the necessary veterinary precautions; in most cases this means the construction of a high fence to keep the animals separate from one another.
Not only is it a commonly hunted trophy animal available throughout the country, the Blue Wildebeest is popular with meat hunters. Their meat is not highly rated but pound for pound, weight and value wise they are a good buy and make good biltong (a type of jerky). Classified as a species of least concern by the IUCN, no special hunting permits are required.
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4 Animals Package on 1x1
9.7 25 reviews
South Africa
Limpopo, South Africa
Blue wildebeestCommon blesbuckCommon springbokImpala
Bow HuntingRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Jul, 24 - 31 Aug, 26
Package Trip
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Package price
for 8 days,
1 hunter, 1 guest
Recently Booked
This Outfitter was booked in the last couple of weeks.
2:1 Plains Game Trophy Hunt
10 1 review
South Africa
North West, South Africa
Blue wildebeestBaboonBlack impalaBlack springbokBlack wildebeestBlack-backed jackalBrown hyenaBurchells zebraBushpigCape buffaloCape elandCaracalCivet catCommon blesbuckCommon duikerCommon reedbuckCommon springbokCopper springbokGemsbuckGenet catGiraffeGolden gemsbuckGolden wildebeestHoney badgerImpalaKings wildebeestKlipspringerKuduLimpopo bushbuckLivingstone elandMountain reedbuckNyalaOstrichPorcupineRed hartebeestRed lechweRoanSableSaddleback impalaScimitar oryxServalSpotted hyenaSteenbokTsessebeVervet monkeyWarthogWaterbuckWhite blesbuckWhite springbokWhite-flanked impalaYellow blesbuck
Bow HuntingCrossbow HuntingHunting From a BlindRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Jan, 25 - 31 Dec, 25
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Big Four
Dangerous Game
Small Game
Price from
for 3 days,
1 hunter
Recently Booked
This Outfitter was booked in the last couple of weeks.
First Timer Package Hunt (1:1)
10 4 reviews
South Africa
Limpopo, South Africa
Blue wildebeestImpalaWarthog
BaitingBow HuntingCrossbow HuntingHunting From a BlindRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Jan, 25 - 31 Dec, 25
Package Trip
Family Friendly
Disabled friendly
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Package price
for 7 days,
1 hunter, 1 guest
Experience Africa 3
9.7 4 reviews
South Africa
Limpopo, South Africa
Blue wildebeestBurchells zebraImpalaWarthog
Bow HuntingCrossbow HuntingHunting From a BlindRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Jan, 25 - 31 Dec, 25
Package Trip
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Package price
for 7 days,
1 hunter
Limpopo Plains Game Package 1
10 1 review
South Africa
Limpopo, South Africa
Blue wildebeestImpalaNyala
Bow HuntingCrossbow HuntingHigh SeatHunting From a BlindRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Jan, 25 - 31 Dec, 25
Package Trip
Family Friendly
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Package price
for 10 days,
1 hunter
Best of South African Plains Game 1on1
0.0 0 reviews
South Africa
Limpopo, South Africa
Blue wildebeestAfrican wild catBaboonBlack impalaBlack-backed jackalBushbuckBushpigCape buffaloCaracalCivet catCommon blesbuckCommon duikerCommon springbokElandGemsbuckGenet catGiraffeGolden gemsbuckGolden wildebeestImpalaKings wildebeestKuduNyalaOstrichPorcupineRed hartebeestRoanSableSteenbokTsessebeVervet monkeyWarthogWaterbuckWhite blesbuckZebra
Bow HuntingCrossbow HuntingHunting From a BlindRifle Hunting
Season: 01 Jan, 25 - 31 Dec, 25
Family Friendly
Disabled friendly
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Price from
for 1 day,
1 hunter
Limited time offer
This offer is available for booking till 31 Dec, 25.
African Plains Game Safari 1x1
9.8 8 reviews
South Africa
Eastern Cape, South Africa
Blue wildebeestBaboonBarbary sheepBlack springbokBlack wildebeestBlack-backed jackalBlue duikerBontebokBurchells zebraBushpigCape bushbuckCape elandCape springbokCaracalCommon blesbuckCommon duikerCommon reedbuckCopper springbokFallow deerGemsbuckGrey rhebuckGrysbuckImpalaKuduMountain reedbuckNyalaOribiOstrichRed hartebeestRed lechweSteenbokWarthogWaterbuckWhite blesbuckWhite springbok
BaitingBow HuntingRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 28 Mar, 25 - 31 Oct, 25
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Small Game
Price from
for 5 days,
1 hunter, 1 guest
1x1: Eastern Cape Free-range Hunt
9.7 15 reviews
South Africa
Eastern Cape, South Africa
Blue wildebeestBlack impalaBlack springbokBlack wildebeestBontebokBurchells zebraBushpigCape buffaloCape bushbuckCape elandCommon blesbuckCommon duikerCommon reedbuckCommon springbokCopper springbokEastern cape kuduFallow deerGemsbuckGiraffeGrey rhebuckImpalaMountain reedbuckNyalaRed hartebeestRed lechweRoanSableSteenbokWarthogWaterbuckWhite blesbuckWhite springbok
BaitingCallingDriven HuntMuzzleloaderRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Mar, 25 - 31 Oct, 25
Family Friendly
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Big Four
Dangerous Game
Price from
for 1 day,
1 hunter
Bushveld Safari 1x1
10 4 reviews
South Africa
Limpopo, South Africa
Blue wildebeestBaboonBlack impalaBrown hyenaBurchells zebraBushpigCape buffaloCape elandCaracalCivet catCommon blesbuckCommon duikerCrocodileGemsbuckGiraffeGolden wildebeestHippoImpalaKings wildebeestKlipspringerKuduLimpopo bushbuckLivingstone elandNyalaOstrichPorcupineRed hartebeestRoanSableServalSharpe's grysbuckSpotted hyenaSteenbokTsessebeVervet monkeyWarthogWaterbuckWhite blesbuck
Bow HuntingCrossbow HuntingHunting From a BlindMountain HuntingMuzzleloaderRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 18 Apr, 25 - 14 Nov, 25
Family Friendly
Fenced Area
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Big Four
Dangerous Game
Price from
for 9 days,
1 hunter
Instant Booking
You get instant confirmation when you book this hunt!
Father & Son/Daughter Package
10 8 reviews
South Africa
Free State, South Africa
Blue wildebeestBlack wildebeestBurchells zebraCommon blesbuckMountain reedbuck
CallingHunting From a BlindMuzzleloaderRifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Mar, 25 - 30 Nov, 25
Package Trip
Disabled friendly
Gun Rental
Plains Game
Package price
for 7 days,
2 hunters