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Black fronted duiker hunting in Cameroon 1 hunt
Black-fronted Duiker is a reddish-chestnut colour with relatively long dark brown or black legs from the knees down. The stomach and underparts are the same colour as the body, the face has a black blaze running from the nose to the base of the horns. Both sexes have horns and crest of coronal hair.
Black-fronted Duikers may be hunted in the rainforests and primary forests of Cameroon. They are always found close to water.
Black-fronted Duikers are primarily a diurnal species and often live in pairs and are thought to be territorial, making use of middens and glandular scent markings to demarcate their territorial boundaries. They have elongated hooves making them well adapted for foraging in marshy meadows and if alarmed will flee towards the water. They are strong swimmers and have also been observed standing on their hind legs, like a goat, to feed on dangling lichens.
Black-fronted Duiker is classified as a species of least concern by the IUCN and no special import or export permits are required. However, a prearranged license must be arranged before the hunt commences.
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13 Day Bongo & Forest Elephant Safari
10 1 review
, Cameroon
Black-fronted duikerBates's pygmy antelopeBay duikerBlue duikerBongoForest elephantGiant forest hogPeters's duikerRed river hog
Rifle HuntingStalking
Season: 01 Apr, 25 - 31 Jul, 25
Plains Game
Big Four
Dangerous Game
Small Game
Price from
for 15 days,
1 hunter