Balearian Goat hunting
7 hunting trips from 6 outfitters starting from $2,855
Where to hunt Balearian Goat
The Balearian Goat, or Balearian Boc, is endemic to the Balearian islands, located in the Mediterranean Sea near Spain, most notably on the Tramontana range in Mallorca. Like the Mouflon, they were introduced to the islands by humans in times immemorial, presumably by the Phoenicians circa 2,000 b.c. After so many generations in freedom, you’d never know they were, and in fact the SCI recognizes Balearan Boc as part of the Capra slam.
Price distribution
The average price of a Balearian Goat hunt is about $6,000, although you can find a discounted hunt a bit cheaper. The hunt price is usually made up of the daily rate (about $500) and the trophy fee. The trophy fee may depend on the size of the horns, and some outfitters may charge up to $10,000 for a record animal.
Learn more from our blog story
Balearian Goat hunting may be an unusual experience for an experienced mountain hunter, or an introduction to the world of mountain hunting, but it is not the only one. This blog post will walk you through the basic options on how to experience sheep hunting without filing for bankruptcy, that can be found on our online marketplace.
22 Jul 2018 Is There Such a Thing as an Over-the-Counter Sheep Hunt that Won’t Break the Bank?When to hunt Balearian Goat?
Balearian Goat hunting in Mallorca is open all year round, providing a great opportunity to combine a hunt with a beach vacation on one of the most esteemed resorts of the Mediterranean. For the hunter who is serious about getting a good hunt and a good trophy, however, the best time for Balearean Boc hunting is October and November, when the animals have the rut.
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