African Wild Cat hunting

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Where to hunt African Wild Cat

African Wild Cat is a small feline that looks pretty much a large domestic cat. It is mostly sandy colored with pale stripes and spots and big ears, and feeds on mice, birds, lizards and insects, but may occasionally kill bigger rodents, and very young kids of domestic sheep and goats and smaller antelopes. In fact, the African Wild Cat is the ancestor of the domestic cat. A number of subspecies are recognized, and grouped geographically into Asiatic, Near Eastern, and South African. It’s the African subspecies that are an object of hunting. You can legally hunt an African Wild Cat in Ethiopia, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.

Price distribution

African Wild Cat is one of the most affordable African trophies. The shooting fees can be as low as $250. With daily rates included, the total price for an African Wild Cat hunt would start from $1,000. Few people will go to Africa, however, to hunt just one species, and for most people African Wild Cat hunting comes as one of the species in a ‘plains game’ package. Special night hunting packages, that provide the best chance to harvest a African Wild Cat, along with other night dwellers such as Serval and Caracal, are priced from $4,000.

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Learn more from our blog story

Felines are perhaps the most successful predators among mammals. More species of felines exist than of canines. When most hunters think about hunting cats, they think either about big cats, like Lion, Leopard and Cougar, or the more familiar species like Bobcat or Lynx. But there are a number of small felines that call Africa home, too. Read about what they are and how to hunt them.

28 Feb 2019 Small Felines. Part II: Africa

When to hunt African Wild Cat?

There isn’t a magic period when African Wild Cat hunting is better than at other times. The small feline is usually hunted in the course of a general ‘plains game’ hunt. Opportunities for such hunts exist all year, but the period from November to March is usually too wet and hot for comfortable plains game hunting.


Hunting methods All hunting methods (13)

African Wild Cat is nocturnal, and if legal, calling at night, with night sights or artificial light, is perhaps the most efficient way of Caracal hunting. Some South African outfitters hold a special license for and specialize in such hunts. In South Africa, where you don’t need to have an African Wild Cat license at hand before the hunt, the cat can be hunted if an opportunity presents itself.

Why hunt African Wild Cat?

If you look up the major conservation threats for any small feline in Africa, including African Wild Cat, you’ll see that they are illegal hunting for their beautiful fur, habitat loss, and retaliatory or preventive killing for perceived threat to domestic animals. You will also see that hunting concessions help combat all the three evils. They fight illegal harvest in all forms, protect wilderness from logging and conversion into farms and pastures, but most importantly, they give value to wildlife for the locals. But that only works if the species has value – that is, can be hunted. It shouldn’t overshadow the fact, however, that these small felines are a very challenging hunting quarry in their own right.

Boutique Limpopo Hunting Experience

Boutique Limpopo Hunting Experience

10 1 review
Limpopo, South Africa
African wild cat, Baboon, Black-backed jackal, Blue wildebeest, Brown hyena...
Trip duration: 5 - 14 days
Season: 1 Apr 2025 - 30 Sep 2025
Price from
for 5 days, 1 hunter
African Plains Game 1x1

African Plains Game 1x1

9.9 11 reviews
Mpumalanga, South Africa
African wild cat, Baboon, Black springbok, Black wildebeest, Black-backed jackal...
Trip duration: 3 - 10 days
Season: 1 Feb 2025 - 30 Nov 2025
Price from
for 3 days, 1 hunter
7 Day "Night Critter" Safari

7 Day "Night Critter" Safari

9.0 2 reviews
African wild cat, Civet cat, Porcupine, Serval, Side-striped jackal...
Trip duration: 9 days
Season: 1 Jan 2024 - 31 Dec 2025
Package price
for 9 days, 1 hunter
African Wild Cat

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