Mid-Asian Ibex hunting
16 Jagden zeigen Alle Jagdangebote zeigen16 Jagdangebote, 6 Jagdanbieter ab$6,000
Where to hunt Mid-Asian Ibex
Mid-Asian Ibex is a variety of Siberian Ibex (Capra Siberica) that inhabits the mountain ranges to the north of Himalayas and to the south of Siberia, including the Tian Shan and the Pamir (a.k.a. The Roof of the World) ranges. They are located on the territory of the former Soviet republics, now independent states, most notably Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The former is a destination well known to international mountain hunters (the country, however, is toying with the idea of a trophy hunting moratorium for 10 years starting from 2020). The latter is a recent addition to the mountain hunter’s map, due to an award-winning community-based conservation program.
Hunting trips for Mid-Asian Ibex in Tajikistan typically sell for $5,000-$6,000. If you purchase a package for two to four hunters, it is possible to reduce the price by a few hundred dollars. This could be one of the best bargains in the adventure mountain hunting trips to a true wilderness category. Comparable hunting in Kyrgyzstan usually costs about a thousand dollars more, and combination Marco Polo + Ibex hunts are the most expensive.
Erfahren Sie mehr darüber in unserem Blog
Ibex hunting in a different country will be not only an exciting and unusual hunting experience, but often an eye-opener into a different culture, and into the role that modern, regulated hunting plays as a powerful conservation tool. Read the first-hand voices of American hunters and their experience hunting ibex with an outfitter that carries out a community based, trophy hunting funded, conservation program in Tajikistan.
15 März 2018 Zu den Wurzeln der Bergjagd: Amerikaner in den Bergen TadschikistansWhen to hunt Mid-Asian Ibex?
The hunting season for the Mid-Asian Ibex runs from August 15 to March 1 in Kyrgyzstan, and from November 15 to February 28 in Tajikistan. The best time for hunting is usually considered to be the rut, which takes place in November-December. However, there are areas which are inaccessible in mid-winter, after the mountain paths are closed; best to make sure with the outfitter.
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