Hunting in Maine

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Über die Jagd in Maine

The hardwood ridges, rolling hills, swamps, and pine and spruce forests that comprise the beautiful North Woods in the state of Maine are home to some of the largest moose and black bear populations in the Lower 48 states. Maine also has great hunting for white-tailed deer, ruffed grouse, and wild turkeys. Duck hunting is excellent in the lakes and marshes, as well as along Maine’s magnificent rocky coastline, where world-class sea duck hunts occur. Maine’s wildlife is diverse, owing to a habitat mix that supports species commonly found in Canada such as the Canada lynx as well as species found in southern deciduous forests such as gray foxes. According to state wildlife biologists, Maine's moose population is estimated at 60,000 to 70,000, and approximately 2,000 permits are issued each year. Overall success rates on moose run 75 percent, with success rates greater in the northern regions. Every year, several moose are taken that exceed 1,000 pounds dressed weight, and some grow impressive racks. Black bears can be hunted in Maine using a variety of methods during a 16-week fall hunting season opening on the last Monday in August and closing the last Saturday in November. During September, bears can be hunted over bait. Hunters can pursue bears with hounds for six weeks (mid-September to end of October), and can still-hunt or stalk bears the entire 16-week season. Bears and deer can be hunted at the same time during part of the season. Maine hunters during deer firearm season are required to wear two articles of solid blaze orange clothing visible from all sides: a hat and a jacket, vest, coat, or poncho. Moose hunters in the moose district must wear one piece of clothing that is solid blaze orange. Maine has hundreds of Registered Maine Guides, and they are considered the gold standard in outdoor skills and knowledge. Learn about them at Get details on regulations and how to purchase hunting licenses at the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife:


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