Bull Elk or Mule Deer-Group Rate x4

Utah, USA



$15,000 $20,000 für 3 Tage, 4 Jäger,
with Elchwild included
US$ 15,000
US$ 20,000
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Online Payment
Deposit can be paid online.
This price includes:
Daily rate for 3 days
4 Jäger
See package details Select dates of your trip
Select dates and other parameters of your hunt and make a reservation.

Über diese Jagd

Chase big game bull elk, or mule buck, or other general species. Some hunts require to hit the draw while others are OTC (over the counter). OTC tags available for any legal weapon bull elk and sell out fast every year so make sure to book soon. Limited entry application assistance and takes place early spring. Most our clients book an OTC hunt and then update plans if you hit the limited :) 1-on-1 guide with pre-scouting, field and trophy care, transportation while hunting, animal pack-out assistance, tent lodging or campers when available, sat internet & some may include video. 2+ groups 25% off so grab your friends and family.

Geführt (normale Jagdreise)
Bewegungsjagd Büchsenjagd Pirschjagd Bogenjagd Lockjagd (Ruf) Vorderlader Erntejagd

Jagdsaison: 17 Aug. 2025 - 15 Dez. 2025

OTC tag verfügbar

Wo werde ich jagen


Based out of Heber City, Utah and hunting the surrounding areas in the Rockies.

Umzäunung: Freie Wildbahn

Reviergröße: 1000's of acres

Gesprochene Sprachen: Englisch

Jagdbetrieb seit: 2013 Jahr

Wo werde ich wohnen

Campers and Wall Tents

Wall tent, and enclosed trailer and RV trailers

Einrichtungen: Bad Elektrizität

  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation



Based out of Heber City, Utah and hunting the surrounding areas in the Rockies.

Flughafentransfer: Nein

Bahnhofstransfer: Nein

Weitere Informationen

Waffen-Verleih: Nein

Schutzimpfung erforderlich: Nein

Mehr über diese Jagd... (Jagdgebiet, Unterkunft, etc.) Details ausblenden


Im Preis inkludiert

  • Unterkunft
  • Transport im Revier
  • Pirschführung
  • Trophäenvorbehandlung
  • Mittagessen
  • Dinner


  • Non-refundable deposit

NICHT im Preis inkludiert

  • Flughafentrasfer
  • Jagdlizenz
  • Waffenbesitzkarte
  • Munition
  • Trophäen-Vermessung
  • Versicherung
  • Frühstück
  • Alkoholische Getränke
  • Wäscheservice
  • Housekeeping
  • Trinkgelder
  • Airport pickup/drop off $1 per mile ($100 min)
  • Filmed/Edited Video $500+


  • All efforts will be made to find a wounded animal

Im Preis inkludiert

  • Unterkunft
  • Transport im Revier
  • Pirschführung
  • Trophäenvorbehandlung
  • Mittagessen
  • Dinner

NICHT im Preis inkludiert

  • Flughafentrasfer
  • Jagdlizenz
  • Waffenbesitzkarte
  • Munition
  • Trophäen-Vermessung
  • Versicherung
  • Frühstück
  • Alkoholische Getränke
  • Wäscheservice
  • Housekeeping
  • Trinkgelder
  • Airport pickup/drop off $1 per mile ($100 min)
  • Filmed/Edited Video $500+


  • Non-refundable deposit


  • All efforts will be made to find a wounded animal



50% basierend auf die Jagdreise
Anzahlung: 7 Tage nach der Buchung
Payment options provided by outfitter:
Bank transfer
Online deposit payment is available for this hunt.


Paid 30 days vor Jagdantritt
Payment options provided by outfitter:
Bank transfer

Payment notes

Extra days $1k. 25% groups 2+ We encourage clients to get a full physical prior to their hunt, get in shape, and zero their weapons upon arrival. Voucher Transfer and other state Fees & Utah Hunting License not included. KIS Outfitters will assume no responsibility for hunting accidents, health risks associated with hunting, loss, or expense arising therefrom. Travel insurance is recommended, please get with your carrier promptly after scheduling.

auf der Karte

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August 2025