Alberta Bison Hunt year round 2025

Alberta, Kanada



$6,500 für 3 Tage, 1 Jäger,
with Bison included
US$ 6,500
This price includes:
Daily rate for 3 days
1 Jäger
See package details Select dates of your trip
Select dates and other parameters of your hunt and make a reservation.
Membership of associations
Alberta Professional Outfitters Society, APOS

Über diese Jagd

Our bison hunts take place in Northern Alberta, about 1.5 hours from Edmonton. The preserve is owned and operated by Manfred & Jason Huellbusch. The terrain is gentle rolling hills, mostly treed with grassy meadows, beaver dams, and spruce muskegs. There are a number of cut lines and trails allowing for good access to hunt on foot or with an ATV. Most hunts are done by stalk & spot or from heated tower blinds. Bison hunts are open year round for booking. We highly recommend planning your experience in the winter months, December / January, as this is when the bison will have their thick winter hide.

Geführt (Leichte Jagdreise)
Büchsenjagd Pirschjagd

Jagdsaison: 1 Juni 2024 - 1 Juni 2025

OTC tag verfügbar

Wo werde ich jagen

More about us

Our company was established in 2018 and operates in 1 territory.


Umzäunung: Freie Wildbahn

Reviergröße: 10,000+

Gesprochene Sprachen: Englisch

Jagdbetrieb seit: 2000 Jahr

Wo werde ich wohnen


Our camp consists of wall tents with wood stoves in all them for heat at night. We have a large wall tent cookhouse where home-cooked meals will be prepared by our full-time cook. Also, don’t forget to bring your towels with you as we also have a shower house in camp. For the hunter that needs cell service, we have service intermittently in camp, but a short ¼ mile walk will have you in steady service.

Einrichtungen: Freiluftdusche

  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation



Our Black Bear hunts take place in northern Alberta, Canada. We have over 4000 square miles in our area to hunt, with very little to no other hunting pressure. Rarely are other hunters encountered as it is typically too far for residents to go hunting. The past oil booms and current logging industry has provided hundreds of miles of roads to access remote parts of the area. The closest international airport will be the Edmonton Internation airport (YEG). This is approximately 5 hours from the camp. It will be up to you to arrange for transportation between camp and the airport.

Nächstgelegener Flughafen: Edmonton

Flughafentransfer: Nein

Bahnhofstransfer: Nein

Weitere Informationen

Waffen-Verleih: Nein

Schutzimpfung erforderlich: Nein

Mehr über diese Jagd... (Jagdgebiet, Unterkunft, etc.) Details ausblenden


Im Preis inkludiert

  • Unterkunft
  • Transport im Revier
  • Flughafentrasfer
  • Pirschführung
  • Trophäenvorbehandlung
  • Jagdlizenz
  • Frühstück
  • Mittagessen
  • Dinner
  • Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke
  • Delivery of meat to processor.


  • Die Anzahlung wird nicht zurückerstattet.

NICHT im Preis inkludiert

  • Trinkgelder
  • Munition
  • Wäscheservice
  • Snacks
  • Alkoholische Getränke
  • Waffen-Verleih


  • Wounded is harvested.

Im Preis inkludiert

  • Unterkunft
  • Transport im Revier
  • Flughafentrasfer
  • Pirschführung
  • Trophäenvorbehandlung
  • Jagdlizenz
  • Frühstück
  • Mittagessen
  • Dinner
  • Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke
  • Delivery of meat to processor.

NICHT im Preis inkludiert

  • Trinkgelder
  • Munition
  • Wäscheservice
  • Snacks
  • Alkoholische Getränke
  • Waffen-Verleih


  • Die Anzahlung wird nicht zurückerstattet.


  • Wounded is harvested.



50% basierend auf die Jagdreise
Anzahlung: 5 Tage nach der Buchung


bezahlt vor Ort

auf der Karte

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