Backcountry Baited Black Bear Hunt 2025
with Schwarzbär included

More about us
Unser Unternehmen wurde 2023 gegründet und betreibt 1 Revier.
While our company is new our experience makes up for it with over a decade of guiding experience in the Selway. Outfitting is our way of life, and it is our only job, so you can be assured we take it very seriously and genuinely appreciate our clients. Our area operates in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness in Unit 17. Wilderness hunts are not sought after because they're easy but because they're an experience that you'll remember for a lifetime. Our area requires fly-in only and because of its remoteness, our area has little to no pressure. With allocated tags, you can rest assured that you'll have the opportunity to hunt some of the most impressive game. Our experienced guides have an intimate knowledge of the land, ensuring an optimal hunting experience. We hope to guide you on an unforgettable experience!

Über diese Jagd
For those seeking a heart-pounding and adrenaline-fueled experience, our black bear hunts are a popular choice. You will have three different options to choose from to pursue a bear and can alternate different methods throughout your hunt. We strategically place bait stations in prime bear territory and with patience and precision, you'll have the chance to observe and target a trophy-sized bear. Or if you prefer, our trained hounds will track and pursue bears, leading you through the rugged wilderness in search of your quarry. This method allows for an exciting chase. Spot and stalk is another alternative to targeting a trophy black bear, if you prefer a physical challenge. Our area has a high black bear population, it is a 2-bear unit, making chances of success high. There are many different color phases including: brown, black, cinnamon, and blonde. Tags are OTC. Non-resident hunting license $195.00 Reduced bear tag (we're in a two-bear unit) $41.75 each. Hunting dates available: June 5–11 June 13-19 June 21-27 What to expect You will use Choice Aviation out of Hamilton, MT to fly into our Main Moose Creek Camp. The flight price is through Choice Aviation. The flight is around 15-20 minutes one-way, and you will usually fly out morning/afternoon weather permitting. You will arrive at our base camp located next to Moose Creek airstrip. While we mostly hunt out of our base camp for Spring Bear, we may also hunt out of our East Moose Camp which is two hours on horseback. Both camps have a full-time camp cook and are fully equipped to ensure a comfortable hunt. When you aren't hunting, cast a line in the scenic Selway River or our very own Moose Creek!
(normale Jagdreise)
Lockjagd (Köder)
Jagd mit Hunden
Jagdsaison: 15 Apr. 2025 - 27 Juni 2025
Die beste Zeit für die Jagd: 11 Mai 2025 - 11 Juni 2025
OTC tag verfügbar
Wo werde ich jagen
Trophy Elk, Whitetail, Mule Deer, Wolf, Mountain Lion, and Black Bear. Incidental Fishing also an option. Idaho Wilderness is steep terrain, success depends highly on physical ability.
Umzäunung: Freie Wildbahn
Reviergröße: 200 sq miles
Gesprochene Sprachen: Englisch
Jagdbetrieb seit: 2023 Jahr
Ebene: 1%
Hügelland: 2%
Gebirge: 97%
Grasland/Buschland: 2%
Wald: 98%
Fischen Exkursionen Guided Hunts Summer trips
Wo werde ich wohnen
Moose Creek
Our area is remote, we do not have phone service or wi-fi. Accommodations include, wall tents, cots with foam pads, gas/propane camp cook stove, kitchenware, table and chairs, solar/battery powered lighting, woodstoves, shower tent or outdoor shower and outhouse.
Einrichtungen: Freiluftdusche Solarstrom Gesellschaftsspiele Reiten!
Fly-in by aviation company in Hamilton, MT
Nächstgelegener Flughafen: Missoula International airport
Entfernung vom Flughafen: 50 miles
Flughafentransfer: Ja
Bahnhofstransfer: Nein
Weitere Informationen
Waffen-Verleih: Nein
Schutzimpfung erforderlich: Nein
Im Preis inkludiert
- Unterkunft
- Pirschführung
- Trophäenvorbehandlung
- Frühstück
- Mittagessen
- Dinner
- Snacks
- Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke
- If for any reason you need to cancel your hunt, your deposit and final payment are non-refundable. We encourage our guests to purchase trip cancellation insurance through your travel or insurance agent. This policy pays all non-refundable payments should you need to cancel your trip for any health-related reason or natural disasters, such as wildfires.
NICHT im Preis inkludiert
- Flughafentrasfer
- Jagdlizenz
- Versicherung
- Alkoholische Getränke
- Trinkgelder
- Flight into camp
- If client wounds an animal, the hunt for that animal is finished. We will do everything we can to retrieve the animal for the duration of your hunt.
Im Preis inkludiert
- Unterkunft
- Pirschführung
- Trophäenvorbehandlung
- Frühstück
- Mittagessen
- Dinner
- Snacks
- Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke
NICHT im Preis inkludiert
- Flughafentrasfer
- Jagdlizenz
- Versicherung
- Alkoholische Getränke
- Trinkgelder
- Flight into camp
- If for any reason you need to cancel your hunt, your deposit and final payment are non-refundable. We encourage our guests to purchase trip cancellation insurance through your travel or insurance agent. This policy pays all non-refundable payments should you need to cancel your trip for any health-related reason or natural disasters, such as wildfires.
- If client wounds an animal, the hunt for that animal is finished. We will do everything we can to retrieve the animal for the duration of your hunt.
Reviews (2)
Elk Hunt
This is a real hunt. Hard work, lots of physical exercise. This is not a country for someone new to hunting. There is nothing I didn't like that our guide/outfitter had control over. A real authentic hunt. The Wilderness Act of 1964 makes this a hunt that relies on manpower and perserverance. No motors or wheels allowed, no chainsaws or electric winches. Lots of beautiful scenery and mountains. Miles of hiking in the roughest terrain. Loved every minute of it even though the terrain left me battered and bruised!
Unfortunately we didn't get our elk but not for lack of ability.

Excellent hunting experience
auf der Karte
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