Boat Based Coastal Black Bear 2025 AUSVERKAUFT

Alaska, USA



$11,000 für 7 Tage, 1 Jäger,
with Küsten Schwarzbär included
US$ 11,000
Online Payment
Deposit can be paid online.
This price includes:
Daily rate for 7 days
1 Jäger
Küsten Schwarzbär
See package details Select dates of your trip
Select dates and other parameters of your hunt and make a reservation.
Membership of associations
Alaska Professional Hunters Association, APHA

Über diese Jagd

We invite you to gather up your hip boots and a good rifle and come hunt some of the finest black bear country in the world! These bears are fresh out from hibernation. They grow large due to the maritime environment that offers ample salmon, rock crabs, sedges, berries, and sea life. The long days and mild temperatures of Spring makes for easy days afield. Our big boat is base camp and we use 16' skiffs to spot from. It is common to see big boars chasing sows as they come into rut. The grouse are booming in the mountains, steel head are headed up the streams from salt water, the songbirds are back from their trip South. These days afield are the nectar of a new year beginning. A big boar black bear will give you a gorgeous trophy; and if you are game to try, the meat makes wonderful stew meat, swiss steak, and Summer sausage. This is a great trip for both the trophy hunter looking for a book animal and the young hunter desiring a first animal. Bears average 7', we get occasional 7 1/2', the largest are 8'.

Geführt (Leichte Jagdreise)
Büchsenjagd Pirschjagd Bogenjagd

Jagdsaison: 15 Apr. 2025 - 15 Juni 2025

Success rate

Normally, all hunters get multiple chances at mature boars.

Wo werde ich jagen


The airport is 1 mile from the boat harbor in Petersburg. If you are air-chartering to the boat the bush pilot hangar is one mile from the hotel In Petersburg.

Umzäunung: Freie Wildbahn

Reviergröße: 1000 square miles

Gesprochene Sprachen: Englisch

Jagdbetrieb seit: 1996 Jahr


Ebene: 20%

Hügelland: 45%

Gebirge: 35%


Grasland/Buschland: 40%

Wald: 60%



Wo werde ich wohnen

Our Boat

The comfort of our fifty foot boat, a warm bunk, and hearty meals will make up your base camp.

Einrichtungen: Bad Ensuite shower Kühlschrank Elektrizität

  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation



Some trips start from Petersburg and some begin while we are already afield. This will be apparent when you set up your trip.

Nächstgelegener Flughafen: Petersburg Alaska Airport

Entfernung vom Flughafen: 1 mile

Flughafentransfer: Ja

Bahnhofstransfer: Nein

Weitere Informationen

Waffen-Verleih: Nein

Schutzimpfung erforderlich: Nein

Mehr über diese Jagd... (Jagdgebiet, Unterkunft, etc.) Details ausblenden


Im Preis inkludiert

  • Unterkunft
  • Transport im Revier
  • Flughafentrasfer
  • Pirschführung
  • Trophäenvorbehandlung
  • Trophäen-Vermessung
  • Frühstück
  • Mittagessen
  • Dinner
  • Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke


  • If a trip is cancelled before the 90 day period a 10% fee is charged. If the hunt is resold the remaining 40% is returned. If we need to reduce the price of the trip to move it, we use as much of that 40% as is needed to resell the trip. If there is any remaining of the 40% we return that portion. If a trip is cancelled within the 90 day period we retain 50% and try to resell the trip. If we can we return the remaining 50% we do. If we need to use a portion of remaining deposit to resell the trip as “discounted” we do so. If no hunter may be found within the 90 day prior period we may opt. to keep 100%, although thus far all trips like this have been sold as discounted.

NICHT im Preis inkludiert

  • When doing fly in in cost, which averages $1,000. per hunter
  • when on a two hunter trip.)
  • Alkoholische Getränke
  • Trinkgelder
  • Waffen-Verleih
  • Hunting license and permits
  • Versicherung
  • all applicable tax
  • any necessary paperwork


  • A wounded brown or black bear is the hunters animal per Alaska state law. Other wounded big game is fulfillment of the trip and may be subject to a trophy fee, depending on circumstances.

Im Preis inkludiert

  • Unterkunft
  • Transport im Revier
  • Flughafentrasfer
  • Pirschführung
  • Trophäenvorbehandlung
  • Trophäen-Vermessung
  • Frühstück
  • Mittagessen
  • Dinner
  • Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke

NICHT im Preis inkludiert

  • When doing fly in in cost, which averages $1,000. per hunter
  • when on a two hunter trip.)
  • Alkoholische Getränke
  • Trinkgelder
  • Waffen-Verleih
  • Hunting license and permits
  • Versicherung
  • all applicable tax
  • any necessary paperwork


  • If a trip is cancelled before the 90 day period a 10% fee is charged. If the hunt is resold the remaining 40% is returned. If we need to reduce the price of the trip to move it, we use as much of that 40% as is needed to resell the trip. If there is any remaining of the 40% we return that portion. If a trip is cancelled within the 90 day period we retain 50% and try to resell the trip. If we can we return the remaining 50% we do. If we need to use a portion of remaining deposit to resell the trip as “discounted” we do so. If no hunter may be found within the 90 day prior period we may opt. to keep 100%, although thus far all trips like this have been sold as discounted.


  • A wounded brown or black bear is the hunters animal per Alaska state law. Other wounded big game is fulfillment of the trip and may be subject to a trophy fee, depending on circumstances.



50% basierend auf die Jagdreise
Anzahlung: 1 Tag nach der Buchung
Payment options provided by outfitter:
Bank transfer
Online deposit payment is available for this hunt.


Paid 1 day vor Jagdantritt
Payment options provided by outfitter:
Bank transfer

Bewertungen (18)

10.0 of 10
Verifizierte Bewertung Diese Bewertung stammt aus einem bestätigten BookYourHunt-Kauf
19 Okt. 2020

Got a Nice Bear

10.0 of 10

The trip was unique, took me some effort to get the bear. We saw many bears every day and just waiting for the right one. Food on the boat was a lot better than I thought. Guides are very kind and helpful.

No signal the whole time! And I don’t like the rain.

Hohe Qualität Gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis Einzigartig
Chris USA
9.3 of 10

Sitka Deer Alpine Hunt

9.3 of 10

True trophy hunt with highly knowledgeable and capable outfitter/guide and packer. Full "whatever it takes" effort on their part. Likeable and "easy-to-be-with" personalities. Respected my hunting skills and worked hard to accommodate my personal limitations. Targets mature good-to-great trophies. Very remote.

Had hoped we could have secured air transportation to spike camp; without that, it was a very challenging ascent (and descent), really beyond my capability relative to age/fitness. Need to be in "sheep shape" for this hunt, my bad. If you can handle the physical exertion, it's a great hunt opportunity to get a world-class trophy.

Zuverlässig Hohe Qualität
10.0 of 10

South East Alaska Brown Bear

10.0 of 10

Eli and Jordan (Eli’s Daughter) are first class people and a worked extremely hard to make sure my Dad and I had a successful hunt. Eli is a safe and ethical guide that does things the way they should be done. This was my first Hunt with Eli, but my dad and 16 year old daughter had a terrific Mountain Goat hunt with him a few years ago. The beauty of the areas we hunted was nothing short of spectacular. Eli’s boat Is well equipped, and is warm and comfortable. If you’re looking for an outfitter in Alaska to hunt Black or Brown Bear, Black Tail Deer, Mountain Goat, ducks, or go fishing, I highly recommend Eli Lucas of Alaska Costal Hunting.


Zuverlässig Hohe Qualität Gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis

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April 2025