5 Day Management Eland, Giraffe & Oryx




$2,200 $4,100 für 5 Tage, 1 Jäger, 1 Gast,
with Elenantilope Oryxantilope Giraffe included
US$ 2,200
US$ 4,100
This price includes:
Daily rate for 5 days
1 Jäger, 1 Gast
Elenantilope, Oryxantilope, Giraffe
See package details Select dates of your trip
Select dates and other parameters of your hunt and make a reservation.
Membership of associations
Namibia Professional Hunting Association, NAPHA

Über diese Jagd

Experience the tracking skills of the San Bushmen, tracking down a big Eland Bull, Giraffe and Gemsbuck. Lifetime experience not to be missed out on! Included is 1 management (non-trophy) Eland Bull, 1 Giraffe and 1 Gemsbuck

Geführt Behindertenfreundlich (normale Jagdreise)
Selektionsjagd Büchsenjagd Pirschjagd

Jagdsaison: 1 Feb. 2024 - 30 Nov. 2024

Die beste Zeit für die Jagd: 1 Feb. 2024 - 31 Okt. 2024

Success rate

Very high success rate.

Wo werde ich jagen


Umzäunung: umfriedet

Reviergröße: 70 000acres

Gesprochene Sprachen: Englisch

Jagdbetrieb seit: 2000 Jahr


Ebene: 90%

Hügelland: 10%


Grasland/Buschland: 100%


Exkursionen Tour to ETOSHA National Park Tour to SWAKOPMUND

Wo werde ich wohnen


Our hunting camp is a comfortable haven where you may relax with a cold beverage neatly prepared and served by our friendly staff, while pondering the fruits of a successful day on safari. Look forward to indulging in a variety of delectable meals featuring African game as well as more customary entrees, and coupled with fine South African wines. Followed by entertaining and memorable evenings spent in the company of your congenial Professional Hunter. A traditional Namibian barbeque (“braai”) may be enjoyed. Individually accommodated in one of our first-class bungalows, separate from the main ranch house, our guests will find their surroundings tastefully appointed with spacious bathrooms. We stock an assortment of soft drinks and fruit juices as well as local beers, wines and liquors. Our water is clean and safe to drink although bottled water is available upon request. For special dietary requirements, meal or beverage preferences will be catered to as best we can.

Einrichtungen: Internet Bad Ensuite shower Kühlschrank Wäscheservice Safe Telefonverbindung Elektrizität Schwimmbad

  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation



Your final destination will be Windhoek International Airport, just outside the Capital of Namibia, where you will be met by us and taken by car (a 5 hour drive) to the camp. Since there are no direct flights from any U.S. city to Namibia, there are basically two options available; flying to Namibia via South Africa or a major European city. Should you be travelling to or through South Africa, leaving the airport with your firearms, you will be required to fill out the new South Africa Firearms Permit Application Form.

Nächstgelegener Flughafen: Windhoek International Airport

Entfernung vom Flughafen: 5 Hours car ride

Flughafentransfer: Ja

Bahnhofstransfer: Nein

Weitere Informationen

Waffen-Verleih: Nein

Schutzimpfung erforderlich: Nein

Mehr über diese Jagd... (Jagdgebiet, Unterkunft, etc.) Details ausblenden


Im Preis inkludiert

  • Unterkunft
  • Transport im Revier
  • Pirschführung
  • Trophäenvorbehandlung
  • Jagdlizenz
  • Frühstück
  • Mittagessen
  • Dinner
  • Wäscheservice
  • Snacks
  • Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke
  • Alkoholische Getränke


  • Cancellations shorter then 3 months before the hunt will loose their deposit unless its health issues.

NICHT im Preis inkludiert

  • Transfer from/to airport - $350
  • Trinkgelder
  • Waffen-Verleih
  • Trophäen-Vermessung
  • Waffenbesitzkarte
  • Versicherung
  • Munition


  • Wounding a animal will be handled to the discretion of the PH

Im Preis inkludiert

  • Unterkunft
  • Transport im Revier
  • Pirschführung
  • Trophäenvorbehandlung
  • Jagdlizenz
  • Frühstück
  • Mittagessen
  • Dinner
  • Wäscheservice
  • Snacks
  • Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke
  • Alkoholische Getränke

NICHT im Preis inkludiert

  • Transfer from/to airport - $350
  • Trinkgelder
  • Waffen-Verleih
  • Trophäen-Vermessung
  • Waffenbesitzkarte
  • Versicherung
  • Munition


  • Cancellations shorter then 3 months before the hunt will loose their deposit unless its health issues.


  • Wounding a animal will be handled to the discretion of the PH



${{model.tourPrice.deposit | currency:"":0}}
Anzahlung: 5 Tage nach der Buchung


bezahlt vor Ort

Bewertungen (11)

Alexander Russland
10.0 of 10
Verifizierte Bewertung Diese Bewertung stammt aus einem bestätigten BookYourHunt-Kauf
30 Mai 2024

My first hunt in Africa

10.0 of 10

I am very glad that my choice of the first hunt in Africa fell on a hunting farm Duiker Safaris. In 5 days of hunting, I got 2 yland, oryx, warthog, wildebeest and impala, as well as a guinea hen and got a jackal at night. Everything is very professional, everything is clean, cozy and homely at the hunting base. The food is great, every dinner is with their family. I recommend taking a package hunt with Eland, the hunt is very interesting.Hunting is not difficult (even easy), so take your wives, they will like it too. And despite the fact that you will see a large number of animals on the hunt, we recommend visiting the Etosha National Park. Очень рад что мой выбор первой охоты в Африке выпал на охотничье хозяйство Duiker Safaris. За 5 дней охоты добыл 2 иланда, орикса, бородавочника, гну и импалу, а также цессарку и ночью добыл шакала. Все очень профессионально, на охотничьей базе все чисто, уютно и по домашнему. Еда шикарная, каждый ужин в кругу их семьи. Все рекомендую брать пакетную охоту с иландом, охота очень интересная. Охота не сложная (даже легкая), поэтому берите своих жен, им тоже понравится. И не смотря на то, что на охоте Вы увидите большое количество животных, рекомендуем посетить в национальный парк Этоша.

I want to come back again :) Хочется вернуться еще раз:)

Daniel USA
9.7 of 10
Verifizierte Bewertung Diese Bewertung stammt aus einem bestätigten BookYourHunt-Kauf
14 Juli 2024

Grootfontein Namibia Cull Hunt

9.7 of 10

Outfitter was extremely helpful, keep a good schedule, Worked extremely hard to make sure you got your animals, Giraffe, Eland, Gemsbuck, You hunt hard to get the shot, Great family and a lot of good food! You truly feel like a lifelong friend your hunting with. Bennie and his son Ben really know their job. The animals are there but you have to work to get the shot, real hunting. Namibia is a desert but was in and extreme drought when we were there so outfitter had to work even harder and did.

All level terrain.

Jens Deutschland
10.0 of 10
Verifizierte Bewertung Diese Bewertung stammt aus einem bestätigten BookYourHunt-Kauf
9 Apr. 2023

Erwartungen übertroffen

10.0 of 10

Eine sensationelle Jagderfahrung mit Bennie Boshoff auf Eland, Gnu und Springbock. Ehrliche anspruchsvolle Pirsch auf spannendes Wild. Kompetenter und geduldiger PH. Gastfreundlichkeit und exzellente Bewirtung. Ich komme wieder.

Abschied behmen.

auf der Karte

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