Guided Firearm Whitetail Hunt 2024

Alberta, Kanada



$5,850 für 6 Tage, 1 Jäger,
with Weißwedelhirsch included
US$ 5,850
This price includes:
Daily rate for 6 days
1 Jäger
See package details Select dates of your trip
Select dates and other parameters of your hunt and make a reservation.
Membership of associations
Alberta Professional Outfitters Society, APOS

Über diese Jagd

Whitetail hunts take place in the famed Parkland Region of central Alberta. Home to some of the biggest bucks in North America, hunters have a very good opportunity to take the deer of a lifetime. Our full-service six-day hunts run Monday through Saturday with hunters arriving mid-afternoon on the Sunday before, and departing after their hunt concludes on the Saturday evening. Archery hunts take place in September and October and our rifle hunts occur during the November rut. A typical day begins with a hearty breakfast, after which hunters are escorted to their stands or blinds where they hunt for the day. While we hunt some field edges, this is more the exception than the rule. Most of our stands and blinds are strategically located along key movement corridors in the woods, between bedding and feeding areas, and along key rutting areas overlooking active scrapes and along rub lines. After each day, hunters are picked up and return for a hot meal. While our deer density is lower than many places in the United States, the odds of encountering a true monarch are ever-present. We have found heads scoring well over 200 inches B&C, that have died of old age.

Geführt Behindertenfreundlich (normale Jagdreise)
Ansitzjagd Büchsenjagd Lockjagd (Ruf) Vorderlader

Jagdsaison: 1 Nov. 2024 - 30 Nov. 2024

Wo werde ich jagen


Umzäunung: Freie Wildbahn

Reviergröße: 1000 square miles

Gesprochene Sprachen: Englisch

Jagdbetrieb seit: 2001 Jahr


Ebene: 40%

Hügelland: 40%

Gebirge: 20%


Grasland/Buschland: 40%

Wald: 40%

Landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche: 20%

Wo werde ich wohnen

The Lodge

With full amenities, we have two rooms furnished with double bunk beds downstairs and typically accommodate 4 hunters per week. Before and after the day’s hunt, guests enjoy a spacious lounge area complete with taxidermy, big screen satellite TV, free wifi, access to main fridge, and a shared full bathroom. Dining and additional lounge area is upstairs.

Einrichtungen: TV Internet Bad Ensuite shower Kühlschrank Telefonverbindung Elektrizität

  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation



Transport to and from Edmonton Airport is provided, or rent a vehicle and drive right to us.

Nächstgelegener Flughafen: Edmonton International Airport

Entfernung vom Flughafen: 5 minutes

Flughafentransfer: Ja

Bahnhofstransfer: Nein

Weitere Informationen

Waffen-Verleih: Ja

Schutzimpfung erforderlich: Nein

Mehr über diese Jagd... (Jagdgebiet, Unterkunft, etc.) Details ausblenden


Im Preis inkludiert

  • Unterkunft
  • Transport im Revier
  • Flughafentrasfer
  • Pirschführung
  • Trophäenvorbehandlung
  • Trophäen-Vermessung
  • Frühstück
  • Mittagessen
  • Dinner
  • Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke


  • We reserve the right to cancel this contract at any time upon return of deposit. If I am (we are) unable to participate on the dates I have chosen, I understand that my/our deposit is non-refundable. In such case, my/our deposit will also be non-transferable, unless I am able to find an alternate hunter to take my place at the full price of the hunt, in which case VNO will refund 90% of my deposit and retain 10% as an administration fee.

NICHT im Preis inkludiert

  • Hunting license and allocation fee $500
  • Trinkgelder
  • Alkoholische Getränke
  • Gun Rental available for $25 per day
  • all applicable tax
  • Versicherung
  • any necessary paperwork


  • If it happens once, we will have a strict chat with the client, If twice, their hunt is finished and we close their tag. All efforts will be made to retrieve the wounded animal

Im Preis inkludiert

  • Unterkunft
  • Transport im Revier
  • Flughafentrasfer
  • Pirschführung
  • Trophäenvorbehandlung
  • Trophäen-Vermessung
  • Frühstück
  • Mittagessen
  • Dinner
  • Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke

NICHT im Preis inkludiert

  • Hunting license and allocation fee $500
  • Trinkgelder
  • Alkoholische Getränke
  • Gun Rental available for $25 per day
  • all applicable tax
  • Versicherung
  • any necessary paperwork


  • We reserve the right to cancel this contract at any time upon return of deposit. If I am (we are) unable to participate on the dates I have chosen, I understand that my/our deposit is non-refundable. In such case, my/our deposit will also be non-transferable, unless I am able to find an alternate hunter to take my place at the full price of the hunt, in which case VNO will refund 90% of my deposit and retain 10% as an administration fee.


  • If it happens once, we will have a strict chat with the client, If twice, their hunt is finished and we close their tag. All efforts will be made to retrieve the wounded animal



50% basierend auf die Jagdreise
Anzahlung: 1 Tag nach der Buchung


Paid 30 days vor Jagdantritt

Bewertungen (1)

Andrew Vereinigtes Königreich
9.0 of 10
Verifizierte Bewertung Diese Bewertung stammt aus einem bestätigten BookYourHunt-Kauf
20 Sept. 2021

Good hunting experience

9.0 of 10

Good experience

My flights


auf der Karte

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