Unguided Moose Hunt
with Alaska Yukon Elch included

More about us
Unser Unternehmen wurde 2018 gegründet und betreibt 1 Revier.
Owned and operated by Gabe and family out of Dillingham Alaska. Gabe has spent the last 14 years hunting trapping and guiding in western Alaska. As a year round pilot and guide he knows the lay of the land as good as anyone. And as an avid hunter and trapper spends the time on the ground to know where and when the ideal hunting grounds are.

Über diese Jagd
As licensed transporters, we have the ability to drop you anywhere you are legally allowed to hunt in Alaska. Because your pilot spends all year living and flying in western Alaska, Davis outfitters has a competitive edge over any and all seasonal transporters. For those who go un-guided you will know that the quality and comfort of your hunt are hunt are heavily dependent on the quality of gear. we provide the highest quality tents cots and cooking equipment so that there is one less thing to worry about when planning your hunt of a lifetime. You will also be provided a satellite communication devise at no additional cost. If your dream has always been to tackle the wilds of Alaska for that trophy Moose, send us an email or give us a call and we will help get here
Nicht geführt
(schwer Jagdreise)
Jagdsaison: 5 Sept. 2025 - 20 Sept. 2025
OTC tag verfügbar
Wo werde ich jagen
Umzäunung: Freie Wildbahn
Reviergröße: 1000 square miles
Gesprochene Sprachen: Englisch
Jagdbetrieb seit: 2018 Jahr
Ebene: 40%
Hügelland: 40%
Gebirge: 20%
Grasland/Buschland: 40%
Wald: 40%
Landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche: 20%
Wo werde ich wohnen
Tent Camps
Clients will fly from Anchorage to Dillingham at their expense
Nächstgelegener Flughafen: Anchorage
Entfernung vom Flughafen: 300 miles
Flughafentransfer: Nein
Bahnhofstransfer: Nein
Weitere Informationen
Waffen-Verleih: Nein
Schutzimpfung erforderlich: Nein
Im Preis inkludiert
- Transport im Revier
- Flughafentrasfer
- All deposits and hunt payments are non-refundable.
NICHT im Preis inkludiert
- Dinner
- Travel to Dillingham, AK
- Lizenzen
- Accommodation while traveling prior to or after the Hunt
- Alkoholische Getränke
- Trinkgelder
- Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke
- Gun rental and ammunition
- Versicherung
- all applicable tax
- any necessary paperwork
- Pirschführung
- Frühstück
- Mittagessen
- Hunting license and permits
- Trophäenvorbehandlung
- All efforts will be made to retrieve a wounded animal...a wounded animal is considered a harvested animal
Im Preis inkludiert
- Transport im Revier
- Flughafentrasfer
NICHT im Preis inkludiert
- Dinner
- Travel to Dillingham, AK
- Lizenzen
- Accommodation while traveling prior to or after the Hunt
- Alkoholische Getränke
- Trinkgelder
- Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke
- Gun rental and ammunition
- Versicherung
- all applicable tax
- any necessary paperwork
- Pirschführung
- Frühstück
- Mittagessen
- Hunting license and permits
- Trophäenvorbehandlung
- All deposits and hunt payments are non-refundable.
- All efforts will be made to retrieve a wounded animal...a wounded animal is considered a harvested animal
Bewertungen (1)
trophy quality moose tough conditions
conditions such as weather and bugs were rough. but if you are physically and mentally prepared you will be rewarded. this outfitter will put you in a place where you will see plenty of quality animals. it's really up to you, the hunter, to make this a great trip. the outfitter will handle all of the logistics but for the time in the field it's all up to your mental and physical stamina. so if you want a fantastic hunt with plenty of quality animals and opportunity Gabe Davis will put you on the game. My guide was a former Alaska resident now residing in Indiana. He was the BEST! His assistant, a retired game warden from Idaho, was also fantastic. Their abilities and attitude were a significant part of this successful hunt. But the bottom line is this: you as a the hunter have a responsibility to be in good mental and physical condition. The outfitter and guides can only do so much.
Would have been nice to have an "ez up or suspension tarp to get out of the weather when we weren't in the field. I understand the logistics of transporting(flying) everything is cumbersome and expensive.

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