Kamtschatka Elch
with Kamtschatka Elch included

More about us
Unser Unternehmen wurde 1998 gegründet und betreibt 4 Reviere.
Best quality hunting trips for Kamchatka giant moose and snow sheep - I can do it!
Über diese Jagd
Kamchatka Moose is the largest antlered animal in the world. Hunting takes place in the central part of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Moose is an immense animal, usually larger than you would expect. Hunting is done in two terms. First two weeks of October on horseback and from Mid November to the end of December with the help of snow mobiles.
(normale Jagdreise)
Jagdsaison: 15 Nov. 2025 - 15 Dez. 2025
Wo werde ich jagen
Hunting area is located in the middle of Kamchatka peninsula. Most of the area is covered with forest on the flat place.
Umzäunung: Freie Wildbahn
Reviergröße: 50 000 sq km
Gesprochene Sprachen: Russisch Englisch
Jagdbetrieb seit: 1992 Jahr
Ebene: 50%
Hügelland: 20%
Gebirge: 30%
Grasland/Buschland: 40%
Wald: 60%
Exkursionen Fischen
Wo werde ich wohnen
Accommodation is arranged in a wooden hunt, heating is done by wood-stove. Guests can enjoy russian steam sauna every day.
Einrichtungen: Freiluftdusche Kühlschrank Elektrizität Sauna, Exkursionen, Sightseeing-Touren zu Kulturdenkmälern und archäologischen Stätten, naturheilende Thermalquellen zur Reinigung von Körper und Geist Quadausfahrten Reiten!
The only way to come to Kamchatka for moose hunting is via Moscow by Aeroflot Russian Airlines. Non stop flight takes about 8 hours and 45 minutes. Upon arrival to Elizovo airport you will be met by local outfitter who will take care of rifle paperwork and then transfer you to the base camp. The way to the base camp is about 330 km (250 miles), normally takes about 6 hours.
Nächstgelegener Flughafen: Elizovo
Entfernung vom Flughafen: 250 miles
Flughafentransfer: Nein
Bahnhofstransfer: Ja
Weitere Informationen
Waffen-Verleih: Nein
Schutzimpfung erforderlich: Nein
Im Preis inkludiert
- Unterkunft
- Transport im Revier
- Flughafentrasfer
- Pirschführung
- Trophäenvorbehandlung
- Trophäen-Vermessung
- Jagdlizenz
- Waffen-Verleih
- Frühstück
- Mittagessen
- Dinner
- Snacks
- Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke
- Deposit 50% - non refundable.
- In case of not-getting a trophy - $4.000 refunded.
NICHT im Preis inkludiert
- Alkoholische Getränke
- Trinkgelder
- Visa documents
- Interpreter for the group
- Spezielle alkoholische Getränke
- Hotel und__nl__Versorgung vor bzw. nach der Jagd
- Meet & Greet services in Moscow
- Trophäenbehandlung und Versendung
- • Verwundete und nicht Gefundenes Wild wird als entnommen angesehen!
Im Preis inkludiert
- Unterkunft
- Transport im Revier
- Flughafentrasfer
- Pirschführung
- Trophäenvorbehandlung
- Trophäen-Vermessung
- Jagdlizenz
- Waffen-Verleih
- Frühstück
- Mittagessen
- Dinner
- Snacks
- Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke
NICHT im Preis inkludiert
- Alkoholische Getränke
- Trinkgelder
- Visa documents
- Interpreter for the group
- Spezielle alkoholische Getränke
- Hotel und__nl__Versorgung vor bzw. nach der Jagd
- Meet & Greet services in Moscow
- Trophäenbehandlung und Versendung
- Deposit 50% - non refundable.
- In case of not-getting a trophy - $4.000 refunded.
- • Verwundete und nicht Gefundenes Wild wird als entnommen angesehen!
Bewertungen (7)

Excellent Hunt in a beautiful area with an expert team
It is obvious as soon as you land that Igor puts a lot of planning in to making sure your time in Russia is a high quality experience. The logistics to get to camp (snowmobile, then boat, then another snowmobile) could be challenging, but as they have done this so many times, it worked perfectly. The camp was exactly what I was hoping for. An authentic back country moose camp. The cook he had in camp did an excellent job of always making sure there was plenty of good food to eat. I also really appreciated that we were able to cook some of my moose I harvested. Overall, a great experience in a unique part of the world.
There was nothing I would change in this hunt.

Great Outfit
Took care of everything from start to finish . Kept me well informed. No surprises during hunt.
No dislikes.

A Hunt to Remember!
1.) Coordination: By far the best I've ever experienced! 2.) Link-up at the Petro. Airport and Transportation to the back woods: Fantastic! 3.) Base Camp: the best I've ever experienced! 4.) Food: Unbelievably good! 5.) Woods Knowledge/Hunting experience of Guide: Impeccable! 6.) Knowledge of Species hunted: I swear he has to be 3/4 Moose, knows when and where to go look for them! 7.) Would I go back and Hunt with him? ABSOLUTELY!!
Absolutely NOTHING!

auf der Karte
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