Missouri Spring Unguided Turkey Hunt
with Ost-amerikanische Truthahn included

More about us
Unser Unternehmen wurde 2005 gegründet und betreibt 2 Reviere.
We are a small, family run business located in the northwest part of Missouri close to the Iowa line near Denver. As a smaller operation, we're dedicated to each and every client and to making sure your hunting trip is the best it can be. We work full-time throughout the year to ensure our clients have the best odds in the fall.
Über diese Jagd
With thick-bearded gobblers canvasing across lush agricultural land, Missouri is one of the top 3 turkey hunting locations in the United States. Prepare your self for some of the most intense turkey hunting you may have ever experienced. With a healthy population of Eastern Turkey, We are nestled amongst some of the best hunting land in Missouri. Northern Missouri toms can be bruisers, comparable to turkeys found in neighboring Iowa. From flocks canvasing across the river bottoms to birds roosting in nearby wooded areas. We have a wide variety of turkey hunting setups for our clients. But the most impressive aside from the scenery - is that we boast a 100% success rate on our turkey hunts for our 3 day guided turkey hunters. Missouri Bird Limits: 1 bird the first week 2 birds the second and third week One bird per day
Nicht geführt
(normale Jagdreise)
Lockjagd (Ruf)
Jagdsaison: 15 Apr. 2025 - 5 Mai 2025
Success rate
We boast a 100% success rate on our turkey hunts for our 3 day guided turkey hunters.
OTC tag verfügbar
Wo werde ich jagen
Umzäunung: Freie Wildbahn
Reviergröße: 10,500
Gesprochene Sprachen: Englisch
Jagdbetrieb seit: 2000 Jahr
Ebene: 20%
Hügelland: 40%
Gebirge: 40%
Grasland/Buschland: 20%
Wald: 40%
Landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche: 40%
Wo werde ich wohnen
Main Lodge Our main lodge was built in 2008 and is located in the heart of our hunting grounds. In fact, most of our drives to our hunting areas require only a 5-10 minute transport. The lodge includes four bedrooms for hunting guests, each complete with its own bathroom. Each of these bedrooms can sleep up to four guests at a time. The main room and kitchen area has a 60-inch flat screen TV and plenty of room to enjoy your stay. There is also a separate dressing room and recreation area which also has its own a 60-inch flat screen to enjoy your favorite football game or hunting show on. We are lucky to have great cooks; with Tammy Frampton's experience in the cooking world, you can be sure you'll always have safe and excellent food around. There are also extra fridges to store your sandwich lunch and other foods. We're Wi-Fi ready, so feel free to bring your laptop and pocket gadgets. Please ask for details on the other two lodges we utilize!
Einrichtungen: TV Bad Ensuite shower Kühlschrank Elektrizität
Please contact for directions to camp.
Flughafentransfer: Nein
Bahnhofstransfer: Nein
Weitere Informationen
Waffen-Verleih: Nein
Schutzimpfung erforderlich: Nein
Im Preis inkludiert
- Unterkunft
- Transport im Revier
- Pirschführung
- Trophäenvorbehandlung
- Frühstück
- Abendessen
- Snacks
- Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke
- Hunt can be rolled over to next season but no deposits will be refunded.
NICHT im Preis inkludiert
- Trinkgelder
- Alkoholische Getränke
- Mittagessen
- Munition
- Flughafentrasfer
- Jagdlizenz
- Waffenbesitzkarte
- Wounding policy is "blood same as a kill"
Im Preis inkludiert
- Unterkunft
- Transport im Revier
- Pirschführung
- Trophäenvorbehandlung
- Frühstück
- Abendessen
- Snacks
- Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke
NICHT im Preis inkludiert
- Trinkgelder
- Alkoholische Getränke
- Mittagessen
- Munition
- Flughafentrasfer
- Jagdlizenz
- Waffenbesitzkarte
- Hunt can be rolled over to next season but no deposits will be refunded.
- Wounding policy is "blood same as a kill"
Bewertungen (9)
This is real hunting. a place where you go and put some serious time in a stand. If you listen to what your guidetells you, you will have success. Lots of deer, lots of land.
You know giants exist on the farms.
sometimes the weather doesn't cooperate. Nothing you can do about it.
If I could only hunt one place, this would be it.
Hunting here is like going to your home hunting camp! Deer are great, stands are great and people are great. Can't forget the food, it is awesome! If you don't have a great hunt here, it is you 😊
Getting beat at pool and ping pong while I'm there!
Top notch outfit with top notch gui
I like the knowledge that all the guides had in ever property, the deer that were on the land, the vast quality of land and don’t even get me started in the food talk about 5 star!!!!
That I had to leave. The guides make you feel like family and appreciated as well as Dave the owner personally introducing himself to everyone when they arrive in camp.
auf der Karte
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