7 Day Combo Elk & Deer Hunt '25
with Elchwild Weißwedelhirsch included

More about us
Unser Unternehmen wurde 2005 gegründet und betreibt 1 Revier.
- Our clients should expect Professional and knowledgeable down to earth guides that want nothing more than to see you succeed while having fun during your weeks hunt. We are all bow hunters and know first hand what our hunters expect in a quality hunt.
- We are experienced and disciplined on whitetail deer behavior, quality deer management, seasonal bedding & feeding patterns, travel corridors, weather conditions and moon phases that influence wild game movement.
- We fully understand calling techniques, stand placement, equipment selection, scent control, and small details that pay big dividends in your success. Most important, we know how to get clients close to trophy class whitetail bucks.
- Please feel free to ask us anything to make your hunt more enjoyable as we will work hard at providing you a memorable hunting experience.
Über diese Jagd
We offer both guided archery and guided rifle elk hunts for trophy class bulls across different resident herds here in Southwestern Montana. With several resident elk herds to hunt it allows us consistant success on key private ranches loaded with irrigated alfalfa fields, timbered ridges, foothills, and river bottom sanctuaries full of big game. Our elk hunting is done on semi-rugged to moderately rolling terrain between 5,000' & 7,000' in elevation. This allows us to offer a rather easy and enjoyable style of elk hunting straight from our main lodge, no horses, no pack trips or wall tents. Our elk hunters have access to private land in one of the best hunting regions in the state of Montana . Generally we can access most areas by 4 x 4 vehicle and then walk by foot to get into areas to glass for these bull elk. Our archery whitetail deer hunting is done from elevated tree stands ranging from 15 feet to 20 feet high. Most shots should come between 10-30 yards. A range finder is also recommended. We limit the number of rifle whitetail hunters to 20. With this limited number of gun hunters on a vast area of approximately 20,000 acres of private property, we have the luxury to gun hunt several areas in the same day or try to hunt one particular buck. All Combo Hunts are from Saturday to Saturday - arrival on Saturday, departure following Saturday, hunt 6 days Sun - Fri.
(normale Jagdreise)
Lockjagd (Ruf)
Jagdsaison: 2 Sept. 2023 - 30 Nov. 2025
Wo werde ich jagen
We are located in region 3, deer hunting district 315 in Park county, Montana along the Shield‘s River in the shadows of the Crazy Mountains. Elevation ranges from 5100 feet to just over 5600 feet on our leases. Montana river bottom deer hunting is some of the finest you will find anywhere in the country at providing you with an excellent opportunity in taking a Pope and Young class trophy Whitetail Deer. We offer here in Montana a larger quantity of whitetails in the 120"-150" range concentrated in a small area with a chance at something in the 160"+ range - an excellent trophy Whitetail Deer with a bow. And they are usually concentrated into river bottoms that are perfect for bow hunting.
Umzäunung: Freie Wildbahn
Reviergröße: 20 000 acres
Gesprochene Sprachen: Englisch
Jagdbetrieb seit: 2005 Jahr
Ebene: 50%
Hügelland: 50%
Grasland/Buschland: 50%
Wald: 50%
Wo werde ich wohnen
Fortunately, our lodge is located in the heart of where we hunt, making it possible for us to return you to the lodge each evening for a hot, well prepared, all you can eat "country-style" dinner. Our 7 bedroom, 4 bath lodge is located on 80 acres along Spring Creek. At the lodge, a hot shower, good food, lively conversation and a good nights rest in a comfortable bed make for an enjoyable style of hunting. Amenities & Services Include: Non-smoking rooms 7 Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms Horseshoe Pit BBQ Grill Outdoor Fire Ring Archery & Gun Target Range Stocked Trout Pond - Fishing Rods Available Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Provided Coffee Machines Personal Service, Beautiful Scenery, Peaceful location along Spring Creek on 80 acres
Einrichtungen: TV Internet Bad Ensuite shower Kühlschrank Wäscheservice Telefonverbindung Elektrizität
We offer shuttle service from Bozeman International airport. Or you can drive roads 90 and 89 through Livingston, MT to get to the ranch.
Nächstgelegener Flughafen: Bozeman
Entfernung vom Flughafen: 50 miles
Flughafentransfer: Ja
Bahnhofstransfer: Nein
Weitere Informationen
Waffen-Verleih: Nein
Schutzimpfung erforderlich: Nein
Im Preis inkludiert
- Unterkunft
- Transport im Revier
- Flughafentrasfer
- Pirschführung
- Trophäenvorbehandlung
- Trophäen-Vermessung
- Frühstück
- Mittagessen
- Abendessen
- Wäscheservice
- Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke
- Lodging/Accommodations
- The deposits of those not granted a license through the general draw would be applied to holding a reservation for the following season or refunded.
- If you cancel your reservation/hunt, your refund will be non-refundable as we cannot rebook any hunters after the March 15th license application deadline to fill your spot.
NICHT im Preis inkludiert
- Waffen- und Munitionsverleih
- Alkoholische Getränke
- Trinkgelder
- Hunting license - procurement of Montana state licenses, special permits, and tags required for the hunt are the responsibility of the client/hunter. License rates are set by the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks outside our control.
- Waffenbesitzkarte
- Versicherung
- Angeschweißtes Wild gilt als erlegt.
Im Preis inkludiert
- Unterkunft
- Transport im Revier
- Flughafentrasfer
- Pirschführung
- Trophäenvorbehandlung
- Trophäen-Vermessung
- Frühstück
- Mittagessen
- Abendessen
- Wäscheservice
- Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke
- Lodging/Accommodations
NICHT im Preis inkludiert
- Waffen- und Munitionsverleih
- Alkoholische Getränke
- Trinkgelder
- Hunting license - procurement of Montana state licenses, special permits, and tags required for the hunt are the responsibility of the client/hunter. License rates are set by the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks outside our control.
- Waffenbesitzkarte
- Versicherung
- The deposits of those not granted a license through the general draw would be applied to holding a reservation for the following season or refunded.
- If you cancel your reservation/hunt, your refund will be non-refundable as we cannot rebook any hunters after the March 15th license application deadline to fill your spot.
- Angeschweißtes Wild gilt als erlegt.
Bewertungen (9)
Quality outfitter
The property we hunted was reserved for bow hunting only
The only downside was the weather. The wind blew for 3 days so strong it was almost unsafento be in a tree. This is not the outfitters fault.
First Time On Guided Whitetail Bow Hunt
I have hunted in PA since the 1960's. This was my first time to ever hunt outside PA. Montana topography is much different than PA's. The week was interesting and fun. Made a mental mistake the first morning. Had my bow hanging on a hook while watching one way, when a shooter buck walked under my stand from the opposite direction at 10 yds. Opps! after that I saw big bucks either at a distance or it was to dark to shoot. Then came Friday (the last day0. I saw many deer all over the area around my tree stand. Finally my opportunity arrived at about 8:00 am. A nine point at about 30 yds. My Montana trophy was mine. Everyone there, the guides, fellow hunters and cooks, were both professional and enjoyable to with. It was a great week of hunting in the northwest.
It is a long way from PA to Montana, so I flew. Could not bring my antlers back with me. Had to wait until the following spring to have them shipped from the taxidermist.
Fantastic place
Everything they run a top knotch business Guides kill their selves to make your hunt successful and know the game moments so you always see game
Late season elk hunting is touch and go due to weather I like late November for the whitetail rut so a combo hunt that I do is a lot more challenging on finding a trophy bull and the herd sizes. but that's my decision not the outfitters. Thanks
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