with Mähnenspringer included

More about us
Unser Unternehmen wurde 2010 gegründet und betreibt 14 Reviere.
- We only offer guaranteed trips, providing our clients the highest standards.
- We will make come true your hunting dreams in Spain at the best rates.
Über diese Jagd
The Barbary Sheep (or Aoudad Sheep) was introduced in Spain in the early 70s as a part of a plan to add new hunting species in the country. It is a big and robust animal, whose weight is around 100 kg. (220 lb.). Males and females hold similar horns but they are thicker and longer in case of males. Its long mane is very characteristic going from the head to the chest. Our hunting area is placed at the largest free-range population in Spain,inside Sierra Espuña National Park. The usual warm temperatures found here and the rocky mountains with low vegetation, recreate somehow the Aoudad original habitat found in the Northern mountains of Africa. Therefore, the tough conditions of these mountains can make this hunt quite demanding. In fact, it probably is one of the toughest hunts in Spain. As any other mountain game, the hunt is conducted in spot and stalk, so the hunter must be ready to long walks in difficult conditions and eventual long shots over 200 m. (220 yd.). The hunting pack includes an animal up to bronce medal. Broce medal: + 1000 € Silver medal: + 2000€ Gold medal: + 3000€
(normale Jagdreise)
Jagdsaison: 1 Okt. 2022 - 17 Feb. 2026
Success rate
Wo werde ich jagen
Umzäunung: Freie Wildbahn
Reviergröße: 8000
Gesprochene Sprachen: Englisch
Jagdbetrieb seit: 2000 Jahr
Ebene: 10%
Hügelland: 20%
Gebirge: 70%
Grasland/Buschland: 40%
Wald: 50%
Landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche: 10%
Wo werde ich wohnen
Casas Nuevas
Incredible rural hotel, only 5 minutes far away from hunting area
Einrichtungen: TV Internet Bad Ensuite shower Telefonverbindung Elektrizität
Sierra Espuña
Nächstgelegener Flughafen: ALICANTE/ MURCIA
Entfernung vom Flughafen: 1 HOUR
Flughafentransfer: Ja
Bahnhofstransfer: Nein
Weitere Informationen
Waffen-Verleih: Nein
Schutzimpfung erforderlich: Nein
Im Preis inkludiert
- Unterkunft
- Transport im Revier
- Flughafentrasfer
- Pirschführung
- Trophäenvorbehandlung
- Trophäen-Vermessung
- Jagdlizenz
- Waffenbesitzkarte
- Versicherung
- Frühstück
- Mittagessen
- Dinner
- Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke
- 50% refund 3 months before hunting date
NICHT im Preis inkludiert
- Waffen-Verleih
- Munition
- Snacks
- Alkoholische Getränke
- Wäscheservice
- Trinkgelder
- Wounded animals will be paid 100%.
- 95% of the times yhe animal is recovered
Im Preis inkludiert
- Unterkunft
- Transport im Revier
- Flughafentrasfer
- Pirschführung
- Trophäenvorbehandlung
- Trophäen-Vermessung
- Jagdlizenz
- Waffenbesitzkarte
- Versicherung
- Frühstück
- Mittagessen
- Dinner
- Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke
NICHT im Preis inkludiert
- Waffen-Verleih
- Munition
- Snacks
- Alkoholische Getränke
- Wäscheservice
- Trinkgelder
- 50% refund 3 months before hunting date
- Wounded animals will be paid 100%.
- 95% of the times yhe animal is recovered
Bewertungen (15)
Victor delivered while airlines failed.
Victor is a great guide. He worked very hard for me, despite a surprising physical disability that severely limited my mobility. I say surprising, because I thought I was in quite good shape. Once the climbing began, I noticed that I had considerable trouble with my right leg and foot which very much limited many of Victor's options. In addition, the airlines lost my luggage so I was without proper foot wear or clothing. The leg is now a real problem. Ultimately, we were successful due to his persistence and knowledge of the animals. It seemed that he knew every move they would make. Victor showed me so much and explained everything about the flora and fauna of the region we were hunting. He made sure that we ate in great establishments. Spanish food can be wonderful. I also got to meet several of his friends and neighbours, which made meal time very enjoyable. I booked a few extra days to stay at his home town and tour the area. This was a real bonus. I would strongly recommend anyone contemplating hunting with Victor to allow him to show you around, as he is very knowledgeable and a a very proud Spaniard.
Any negatives I experienced were due to the frustration of lost luggage and my leg.

Hunt of a lifetime
Very professional variety of game beautiful scenery
Trip to short.

Great Ibex hunt in an excellent area
Great grounds, good animals
easy stalk

auf der Karte
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