Kansas Whitetail Deer Hunt

Канзас, Соединённые Штаты Америки

Цена пакетного тура

Цена пакетного тура

R136,530 за 5 дней, 1 охотник,
with Олень белохвостый (Виргинский) included
R136,530 *
*Это приблизительная цена в выбранной валюте. Фактическая цена поездки составляет US$ 7,500
Limited time offer
This offer is available for booking till 25 Apr, 25.
Online Payment
Deposit can be paid online.
Стоимость включает:
Суточная стоимость за 5 дней
1 охотник
Олень белохвостый (Виргинский)
Информация о пакете Выбор дат поездки
Выберите даты и другие детали Вашей охоты и сделайте бронь.

Об этой охоте

Kansas deer hunting properties are used for Kansas bow (archery) hunts, Kansas muzzle loader (black powder hunts) & rifle hunting. Kansas bow (archery) hunting takes place during the Kansas whitetail deer pre-rut, rut, and post-rut. We offer a limited number of Kansas deer hunts to ensure you a non pressured hunting experience. We also encourage the Kansas deer hunter to harvest at least one doe after harvesting a Kansas whitetail buck. With nothing but small hunting camps your chances to harvest a good whitetail deer on your Kansas deer hunting trip dramatically increases when you purchase a Kansas deer hunt with us. The hunter will arrive in camp the day prior to their hunt & will leave the evening after your 5 day hunt ends. We will discuss the aspects of the type of deer we want you to harvest upon your stay with us. Aerial photos will be reviewed during this orientation along with deer sightings on the hoof & on trail cameras, & how to harvest the whitetail with the current stand placements. A guide will be assigned on your hunt to be sure we get the hunter to & from the stand safely & quietly. This guide will also field dress the deer for you & transport it back to our lodge. When the deer is back at the lodge it is your job to tell us how you would like to display your trophy whitetail so we can properly prepare your mount. Our packages include 6 nights of lodging, 5 days of deer hunting, 2 meals a day, & snacks. If you need your gun sighted in we will be happy to do that. Whether it's a fully guided or semi guided hunt you are responsible for the transportation fee of us taking the game to our meat locker, and arranging for them to send it to your meat locker of choice. Muzzleloader Deer Hunt - $5,500 Dates: Sept 17 - Sept 30, 2018 Rifle Deer Hunt - $5,500 Dates: Nov 28 - Dec. 9, 2018 Bow/Crossbow Deer Hunt - $5,500 Dates: Sept 17- Dec 31, 2018 Pre Rut/Rut Dates: Oct. 28 - Nov 30

С проводником (Стандартный тур)
Охота с карабином Охота с подхода Охота из укрытия Охота с луком Охота с дульнозарядным ружьём

Сезон охоты: 15 сент. 2025 - 31 дек. 2025

Вероятность успеха

2017 3 of the hunters took home Boone & Crockett bucks with 70% tagging out. In 2018 65% of the hunters tagged out. In 2019 2 of the hunters harvested Boone & Crockett bucks. 80% had the opportunity to tag out. In 2020 four Boone & Crockett bucks were harvested. 85% of the hunters had the opportunity to tag out. In 2021 90% of the hunters harvested 155+ inch bucks.

Где Вы будете охотиться


South Central Kansas is a diverse area. There is a rich diversity of agriculture located near all of our hunting land. The consistent production of either irrigated or dry land wheat, corn, soybeans, alfalfa, & grain sorghum allows for not only good genetics for the whitetails, but also allows them to reproduce in abundance, because the environment is such that it allows for them to relocate, after feeding, to thick plum thickets, or to pockets of timber. Most of the terrain is gently rolling hills with some water located near the wildlife.

Тип ограждения: Нет ограждения

Размер территории: 30,000+ acres

Язык персонала: Английский

Открытие: 2008 год

Рельеф территории

Равнина: 40%

Холмистая возвышенность: 40%

Горы: 20%

Ландшафт территории

Саванна/ низкорослый кустарник: 40%

Лес: 40%

Сельскохозяйственные угодья: 20%

Где Вы остановитесь

Farm House

All hunters are lodged privately for their Kansas deer hunt on our working farm, and cattle ranch. It is a 1900s farm house that has been in the family for many generations. This is the ideal place to brag about your Kansas deer hunts with the guests. All hunters are treated to one home cooked meal in the evening. It is a quiet, clean, & comfortable place to rest.

Удобства: Телевизор Интернет Ванная комната Ensuite shower Холодильник Покрытие сети мобильной связи Электричество

  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation

Как добраться

Навигационные указания

Rent a car from the airport and drive right to us. Transport to/from airport can be arranged for additional cost.

Ближайший аэропорт: Wichita Kansas Airport

Расстояние от аэропорта: 1 1/2 hours

Трансфер из аэропорта: Нет

Трансфер с ж/д станции: Нет

Другая информация

Аренда оружия: Да

Обязательная вакцинация: Нет

Подробнее об охоте... (территории, размещении, и т.д.) Скрыть детали


В стоимость включено

  • Проживание
  • Транспорт во время охоты
  • Сопровождение профессиональным охотником
  • Первичная обработка трофеев
  • Замер трофеев
  • Завтрак
  • Ужин
  • Прохладительные напитки


  • Депозит возврату не подлежит.

В стоимость НЕ включено

  • Трансфер в/из аэропорта
  • Разрешение на оружие
  • Страховка
  • Алкогольные напитки
  • Чаевые
  • Gun rental and ammunition
  • Hunting license https://www.ks.wildlifelicense.com/start.php
  • all applicable tax
  • any necessary paperwork

Ранение животного

  • All efforts will be made to retrieve a wounded animal. Once you draw blood your hunt is considered complete.

В стоимость включено

  • Проживание
  • Транспорт во время охоты
  • Сопровождение профессиональным охотником
  • Первичная обработка трофеев
  • Замер трофеев
  • Завтрак
  • Ужин
  • Прохладительные напитки

В стоимость НЕ включено

  • Трансфер в/из аэропорта
  • Разрешение на оружие
  • Страховка
  • Алкогольные напитки
  • Чаевые
  • Gun rental and ammunition
  • Hunting license https://www.ks.wildlifelicense.com/start.php
  • all applicable tax
  • any necessary paperwork


  • Депозит возврату не подлежит.

Ранение животного

  • All efforts will be made to retrieve a wounded animal. Once you draw blood your hunt is considered complete.



Срок внесения депозита: 5 дней после бронирования
Online deposit payment is available for this hunt.

Полная оплата

Paid 30 days Перед началом охоты
Payment options provided by outfitter:
Credit card

Тур на карте

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September 2025