Rosy-Billed Pochard hunting

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5 охотничьих туров от 1 аутфиттера начиная отA$4,057

5 охот
A$4,057 Минимальная цена
1 страна
5351mi До ближайшего тура

Where to hunt Rosy-Billed Pochard

The rosy-billed pochard (Netta peposaca), often called the King of Argentinean Ducks, is one of the most sought-after waterfowl species in South America. Known for its striking appearance, with a deep black and chestnut body and a vivid pink-red bill in drakes, the rosy-billed pochard is a standout trophy for any waterfowler. This duck is native to the wetlands and lagoons of Argentina, where it thrives in abundance. Prime hunting locations include the provinces of Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, and La Pampa, which boast extensive wetland systems and agricultural fields perfect for waterfowl. While Argentina is the epicenter for rosy-billed pochard hunting, smaller populations also exist in Uruguay, Paraguay, and southern Brazil.

Распределение цен

Rose-billed pochards are the stars in general mixed waterfowl packages, along with other species. If you’re a serious waterfowler, interested in bagging as many different species as you can, be it rose-billed pochards, yellow-billed pintails, Chiloe wigeons, or white-faced whistling ducks, be sure to enquire the outfitter about the abundance and availability of each species in their territory before booking. You can find a duck or mixed bag shooting package in Argentina, inclusive of lodging and catering, for under $1,000 a hunter a day, although more remote or more luxurious lodges may charge more. Don’t forget to factor in the cost of ammunition and tips for the personnel!

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When to hunt Rosy-Billed Pochard?

The duck season in Argentina runs from May to August, the South Hemisphere winter, when migrating flocks from the colder southern tip of the peninsula join the abundant local populations in warmer areas closer to the equator. During these cooler months, the birds are active and concentrated in wetlands and flooded fields, providing exceptional hunting opportunities.


Способы охоты

Most duck hunting in Argentina and neighboring countries take place on the flooded pampas and rice fields, with guides setting up the decoy spreads and hunters waiting for birds in permanent or improvised blinds. The hunt usually starts shortly before break of day and lasts for two or three hours in the morning, then a midday pause follows, and the hunters return to the blinds a couple of hours before sundawn. Many different species may be in the air at once, so correct calling is essential if you want to target a particular kind of duck. The male rosy-billed pochard is mostly silent, while the female is rather talkative, highly characteristic vocalizations. If you’re a calling enthusiast, who likes to help the guides with the calling, be sure to find samples of it, get an appropriate call, and practice (check out our selection of waterfowl calls). Rosy-billed pochards are fast fliers, but their direct flight patterns rather easy to hit, if you don’t forget to lead them enough.

Why hunt Rosy-Billed Pochard?

Hunting the rosy-billed pochard offers an unparalleled waterfowling experience in one of the world’s most scenic and waterfowl-rich environments. The drake’s striking plumage and distinctive rosy bill make it a prized trophy for collectors, while the hunt itself combines fast-paced action with the beauty of Argentina’s wetlands. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the rosy-billed pochard is highly regarded for its excellent table fare. Its tender, flavorful meat is a staple of traditional Argentine cuisine, perfect for grilling or roasting. Whether on the overflooded pampas, on the table, or just a reason to immerse in the culture, landscapes, and biodiversity of South America, the rosy-billed pochard more than deserves its royal title. Start planning your rosy-billed pochard hunting trip today and experience the excitement of pursuing one of South America’s most iconic ducks!

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