Peters's Duiker hunting

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1 hunting trip from 1 outfitter starting from $46,400

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$46,400 starting from
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6562mi to the nearest trip

Where to hunt Peters's Duiker

Duikers are found throughout sub-Sharan Africa and split into two main groups, the forest Duikers and those that inhabit the savannas. Peter’s Duiker a fruit eating (frugivorous) Duiker belong to the forest Duiker group and found in Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Congo, Central African Republic and Cameroon. Numerous Outfitter listings for the Cameroon can be found on BookYourHunt.

Price distribution

Cameroon offers the greatest variety of huntable Duikers, however most hunters add Peter’s Duikers to their trophy wish list during an 8 -15 day package hunt which normally includes Bongo and/or Forest Sitatunga. The additional trophy fee will cost between $500-700. This also excludes a hunting/license fee of €1600 per hunter. Prices for these hunts are often quoted in Euro.

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When to hunt Peters's Duiker?

In the forested territories of the Cameroon the season runs from March 1 until the end of July. The best months for hunting Peter’s Duiker are the dry months of April to June when the moist equatorial and lowland forests have as few leaves as possible in this evergreen forest allowing the light to penetrate onto the patches of forest floor. Being a small diurnal species it also helps when the grass growing between some the patches of forest is at its lowest allowing for improved visibility.


Hunting methods

Walk and stalk is one of the options when hunting Peter’s Duiker but rather search for a tree with fallen fruit and leaves without much undergrowth and set up an ambush site. These duikers can also be called very successfully by the local trackers imitating the distress call of a small antelope. Make sure of your shot as once disturbed they will disappear in the thick undergrowth and will not return to the call.

Why hunt Peters's Duiker?

Of the 22 Duiker species, 17 are huntable. Although not big and dangerous, the Duikers take some serious hunting. Peter’s Duiker take time and patience to hunt often testing your resolve in the damp humid forest conditions. Owing to their size, Peter’s Duikers make marvelous full mounts especially when mounted with a little bit of habitat. A Duiker collection may also comprise of skull mounts but to truly appreciate your efforts you need to consider full mounting most of your trophies to appreciate the different Duiker sizes and colours.

13 Day Bongo & Forest Elephant Safari

13 Day Bongo & Forest Elephant Safari

10 1 review
Peters's duiker, Bates's pygmy antelope, Bay duiker, Black-fronted duiker, Blue duiker...
Trip duration: 15 days
Season: 1 Apr 2025 - 31 Jul 2025
Price from
for 15 days, 1 hunter
Peters's Duiker

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