Corbett Creek Outfitters

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1 hunting trip starting from A$6,364

1 Jagd
A$6,364 ab
1 Wildart
1779Mi bis zum nächsten Jagdrevier

Welcome from Corbett Creek Outfitters

Richard Ellens - owner & guide Corbett Creek Outfitters
8.8 of 10

Hunting experience


Accommodation and hospitality


Professional hunters / staff


Game quality


Value for money

Based on 4 reviews

Corbett Creek Outfitters is a newly established outfitting company and is a family owned and operated business run by Richard Ellens and his wife Stefanie Ellens. As a Christian family with two young boys, we love and respect the outdoors. We aim to be stewards of the land, through sustainable and ethical harvests. Experience of Outfitter and knowledge of the area: • I grew up and still currently live in the hunting territory on a family farm which is nestled into the boreal forest and bordered by the Athabasca River to the east. • 17 years of trapping and hunting experience in the territory • 10 years of guiding experience in or around the territory. • 5 years owning a registered trapline in the hunting territory. We hope you let our new opportunity be your opportunity. • Our desire is to make you feel at home while providing a highly professional service. • Only a few hunts available each year meaning opportunities are high at quality deer.


Black Bear - Spring Spot and Stalk Hunt

Black Bear - Spring Spot and Stalk Hunt

8.8 4 Bewertungen
Alberta, Kanada
Black bear
Reisedauer: 6 Tage
Season: 18 Mai 2026 - 31 Mai 2026
für 6 Tage, 1 Jäger



Corbett Creek Outfitters

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